You Don't Believe in Peter Pan- Part 3

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Even though you were having a fun time in Neverland, you were still queasy with the thought that you could be dreaming right now. Who would want to dream up something like this? This is amazing to you!

"What are you thinking about, love?" Peter asked you, noticing how you were in deep thought.

"Huh?" You asked as you looked up to him. His eyebrows were furred together in confusion. "Oh, I'm just hoping that this isn't a dream."

"I guess you'll just have to wait tell the morning to find that out." He said with a smirk. You guys continued to walk among the beach. The waves were memorizing to you.

"About our deal, Y/N. What do you think?" He asked as he took a left turn into the thick forest area to the left of you. You sighed, as you trudged along behind him.

"I'm still not sure. I mean, this is a beautiful place, but I'd rather not fly out of my window every night with a boy I hardly know." You said to him as you pushed some branches out of the way so you could walk. "By the time I'll visit you again, I'll be in the insane asylum."

"Wait, you'll visit me again?" He asked, as you stopped abruptly in your tracks. You looked up into his green eyes, he was smirking, and then you realized what you just said.

"Well, no, I, um, yea, wait, no." You blabbered as you stood there, almost sounding like an idiot.

"The deal's off then? You'll come with me to Neverland now?" He asked with a glint of hope in his voice. You looked up at him, speechless.

"Sure, I will." You said finally with a deep breathe. What if at this moment you were laying on your bed, passed out, and your Y/F/M (your family member) was coming back home?

"Wait, if I am actually not dreaming, won't I, soon, be older than you?" You asked him as he stepped in front of you. His arms were crossed.

"Yes, but if you visit frequently. Your aging with slow down." He said as you gave him a confused glance. "Every time you visit Neverland, your body will react and stop growing. Soon, when you visit daily, your body will just stop. Because although you aren't in Neverland, you've still been her. But if you stopped completely coming, everything will just go back to normal."

"So you're saying that if I visit frequently, I will eventually stop growing?" You asked him and he nodded to you. "How am I going to explain to everyone from a year from now, and I still look like I do now?"

"There's a simple solution." He said as he held his index finger in the air.

"Don't come." You said. "Stay." He said. You both said these things at the same time.

"Wait, what?!" You said to him. "Stay?"

"You're going to stop coming?" He asked after you, in a furious tone. His jaw was now clenched with anger.

"Why would I stay? I have a life, friends, homework!" You said to him as you started to pace.

"Why wouldn't you stay? You can stay young forever and no homework." He said to you angrily.

"I am not staying, are you kidding?"

*Time skip*

You sighed angrily as you hopped onto your bed. After the argument of you staying or not, you forced him to bring you home. I guess he liked you too much.

"If you change your mind, I'd be happy to see you again." He said from the view of your window.

"It's not like you can't visit here," you said with a shrug of your shoulders.

"I'll age, and soon, I'll be an old man." He pointed out before turning around to leave. "But I'm still willing to come if that's what it takes to see you."

He left before you could respond. You sat there, staring at your wall in silence. You laid down on your bed. Exhausted, but happy that you finally had fun for once. Within a few minutes you were sleeping against your pillow, your sheets weren't covering you.

The next morning when you woke up, your homework was still sprawled out on your bed. And you were huddled in a fetal position. Well, that must have been comfortable. You looked around in hope, for some evidence that last night wasn't a dream. And when you looked to the window for some sort of clue, you noticed that the bat was sprawled out on the floor. Was what happened last night real?

"Hello, deary." You screamed from the sudden voice. And there was Peter smirking.

Hey guys! Hope you like this last part! I didn't really like the ending, but I thought that it was amusing.


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