Family Member Walks In

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*Sorry guy's, but this is not where you're having sex, you're just talkin'. I'm writing this one a school device, so I can't write that kind of content. I can do another version like that later XD Comment if ya want me to. 

"You should let me take you to Neverland one of these day's. It's so beautiful out there, and I think you would really like it." He said as he smiled at you. His arm was around your shoulder, and you were both sitting on your bed. "You can even bring your bathing suit, and we can go swimming. Or don't bring a swimming suit, I'd like nude better." 

You punched his shoulder, and laughed along with him. "That does sound appealing, I'll think about it." 

"About going to Neverland or swimming nude with me?" He smirked. 

"Hm, both." You said jokingly. Or maybe you weren't joking...

You both laughed. You leaned your head on his shoulder and took a deep breathe. Then yawned. 

"Aw, you can't be tired already. I'm having fun." He whined playfully. 

"Don't worry, I can-" but before you could finish, your door opened. Very fast may I add. 

Standing there was your f/m (family member). Their eyes widened as they caught sight of Peter. Neither of you were paying attention to hear them coming, and now Peter was exposed to their wrath. It's not like he could fly out of the window now. That would cause too much problems. Your f/m's suspicion was confirmed after hearing all the laughing. 

"Who the hell is that?!" They asked as they stepped in and took a threatening step towards both of you. Peter stayed frozen, and you hopped off the bed, standing up with your hands out. 

"It's, um, Pe-" 

You were quickly cut off. "And what the fuck is he wearing?!" They questioned motioning to his outfit. No matter how serious the situation, you couldn't help but hold in a laugh. Your f/m grabbed your wrist and pulled you behind them. 

"Stop!" You yelled, but they were already grabbing Peter and pulling him to his feet. 

"You get the hell out of here, or you won't see daylight." They said in a low term. Peter's face was hilarious, but then he started to smirk. Peter grabbed your f/m's hands and forced them to release their grip. His smirk just made your f/m angrier. 

Your f/m turned around towards. "And you, Y/n, you are definitely grounded! What were you thinking?!" 

"It's not like we were doing anything!" You replied. You secretly wished you guy's were, you always wanted to move further with Peter, but he never asked you out or anything. You then caught sight of Peter behind your f/m, he smirked and saluted to you. As your f/m continued to yell at you, you watched him turn around and fly out your open window. You laughed slightly. 

"What are you laughing at?!" They said angrily. Their face was slightly red. They whipped around and noticed Peter gone. "What the-" 

You stayed silent as they stared around your room confused. They checked in your closet, underneath your bed, and then they noticed the opened window. "Goddammit." they cursed. 

"This is not over." They pointed at you and then rushed out of your room. Probably to attempt to find Peter, but they would fail. You turned and watched them leave. 

You felt a tap on your shoulder and jumped slightly. You turned and saw a smiling Peter. 

"Want to visit Neverland now?" 

I know, I know. I told you guy's I wouldn't update anymore. But come on, I can't resist okay? XD I think the next imagine, if you guy's wanted, would be a dirtier version of this. It's only if you want it though! Please comment! 

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