A piece from home- Part 1

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You wiped the sweat from your forehead, and continued to dig into the dirt more. Your hands were getting sore, but you had to find where you buried your necklace from when you arrived here. It's been almost a year, and you've still been trying to find it. 

You had dug a hole into the Earth, and buried the necklace out of anger. You were very angry with your f/m (family member). They hadn't cared for you, and didn't care if you were gone forever. You were happy at Neverland, but now you wanted that piece back. That piece that reminded you of home. 

"Y/N, are you ok?" You huffed at the familiar voice and stopped what you were doing. You tossed down the shuffle and turned around to face Peter with a confused look. 

"I'm fine, just looking for something." You said, and you both didn't say anything for a few moments. "Need something?" 

"Just wondering if you wanted to eat lunch?" He chuckled at you. You sighed, of course you lost track of time. You were probably out here digging for hours. 

"I'll eat later, alright? Don't worry about it." You smiled at him warmly and he walked over to beside you, and examined the hole. 

"What are you digging for?" He asked as he examined your face as you stared at the hole. 

"I buried something very important to me, and when I looked in the spot where I buried it, it wasn't there. So now I'm just kind of on a search where I thought I would bury it." You shrugged. 

"Want help?" 

"No, I think I'll do this on my own. Save me some lunch, although I'm sure it's gone?" You asked as you looked into his green eyes. He nodded and started to walk away, but glanced back at you before he was out of your sight. 

You continued your work. 


"Let me see your hands." Peter demanded as you sat down on the ground beside him. A bowl of chili was sitting on your leg, slightly burning it. You ignored it, and showed your blistery hands to Peter. 

"Why don't you just let me help you, Y/N?" He asked with concern. He looked over the front and back of your hands. Truth is, you were embarrassed. You always vented to Peter about your family, and now that you missed them, you felt sort of like a hypocrite. You always told him you didn't like them, and now you miss them. You also didn't want him to know you were going through all this trouble just for a necklace. 

"I want to do this on my own, it's important to me." He frowned at your words. "I'm sorry." 

"There's nothing to be sorry about." He said with a chuckle. "You say 'sorry' too much." 

"Sorry." Then you laughed, realizing you just said it again. 

"I'll go get some bandaids, I'll be right back." He didn't wait for you to respond, but he walked off towards his tent. 

It's been almost ten minutes, and Peter hasn't come back. You finished your chili, very slowly due to your hands. You stood up and set your bowl down. You would clean that up after. 

You made your way to Peter's tent. "Peter?" You spoke. You had once made the mistake of walking in unannounced, and you saw something you both enjoyed and regretted at the same time. 

Silence greeted you, and you pushed the flap open and stepped inside. Peter was no where. But one his bed was a tiny box and some band aids. You looked around, and wondered where Peter was. You knew you shouldn't snoop, but you were curious as of to what was in the small box. You sat on his bed and picked up the box. 

It was a square shape, and something rattled in the inside when you moved it.  It was plain white. You contemplated whether to look in the box, or leave it. Curiosity got the best of you, and you slowly lifted the lid. 

Your hand flew up to your mouth, and tears brimmed your vision. There was the necklace you had been searching for for the past few days. Why would Peter have it? 

You quickly drew in a deep breath and put the lid back on. As much as you wanted to grab the necklace, you wondered as when Peter got the necklace and how long he had it. 


Hey guys! I know I haven't updated for a while, and I'm hoping that you enjoy this first part! I promise the second part will be longer. How about after I finish this little series I do a dirty imagine? Maybe one where you lose your virginity to Peter? I dunno, just tell me in the comments!

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