The Silver of the Night

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High above,
Coating the earth in soft light.
A guiding light for some,
A companion for others.
Yet watching,
Seeing in the dark of the night.
The moon is just a child of the sun,
Taking it's light to use as it's own,
Never able to call it's power it's own.
It will always live in the Sun's shadow,
Wishing for more,
Never knowing how truly appreciated it is.
It does what the sun cannot do,
It complements the night,
Instead of shining it away.
The moon and the night are like Gemini twins,
Complementing each other,
Without darkness the moon can't shine,
Without the moon,
The night becomes the unknown.
The moon glorifies the night,
And vice versa.
The moon is much like a necklace to the night,
Accenting the night,
And giving it personality.
The moon is the silver of the night,
And a shadow of the sun.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2015

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