Small Moments

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What matters in life isn't always the most important and biggest events,
Sometimes it's the way the light lays down on the Earth in just the right way,
Or the long talks at night,
That last for hours and hours.
It's these small moments that make such a huge impact.
Those days of endless road,
The music playing low in the background of our voices,
Or when there's nothing but silence Yet it fills you up with warmth and energy.
It's about finding those Cinderella moments in everyday life,
They aren't planned,
They're magnificently spontaneous,
Nothing you could have ever thought of could have came together so right.
It's times like those moments when you feel on top of the world without going beyond that leave impact on your memory.
These small moments fill your memory with happiness and contentment.
You would never trade those moments,
They are what keeps you going,
Knowing that even simplicity could have such a huge effect on your life,
Whether it lasts for ten seconds,
Or ten decades.
Your heart is built with these building blocks,
Your character,
Your happiness,
Your thoughts,
Your dreams.
Sometimes these can be lost,
Wrapped up in anxiety and panic,
Locked away with a key hidden deep within,
The only way out is to give in and hold those moments close until the cage shatters.
Trading those wishful memories,
To great memorials of your past,
To build your future.

Steven Krauss-Akins ©2016

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