✧ 18 ✧

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Its all your fault!

I hate you dad!

I wish you were dead!

You should've died instead!

"Its all your fault Jesiana!" He yelled at me.

Its all your fault...

all your fault...

Its all your fault...

I gasped as I sat up quickly waking from my sleep.

I instantly started crying heavily out of nowhere. I don't know why.

"Jesiana c-" Michelle started before she sighed.

"It'll be ok." She said embracing me into a hug.

"It'll be alright." She said rocking us side to side.

"Its all my fault." I cried.

"No its not Jesiana..God just wanted him to go home."

"But why! If he new that-that he was the only p-person I had left?" I cried.

"Everything is for a reason." She said.

"Stop crying." She said rubbing my back.

After a while I managed to calm down and just laid on her.

"Im gonna go run you some bathwater so you can relax."  She said curling her lips before getting from the bed , leaving out the room.

I sighed closing my eyes tightly as I plopped back down on my pillow.

Even though Michelle said god wanted him it still felt as if this guilt was eating me up inside every second.

I scrambled through my bed looking for my phone. Once I found it I pressed the home button making the screen light up. I squinted from the bright light as I looked at the time and saw it was 4:30 in the morning.

I turned my phone off throwing it on the bed laying back down.

• Michelle's POV

I poured some bubbles in the bath water  before turning the water back on a little letting the bubbles fill the tub.

I turned the water off going back to Jesiana's room.

"Come on Jesiana the baths ready for you." I said.

She slowly pushed her covers back , getting out of bed.

I placed my hand on her back as I walked with her to the bathroom.

"If you need anything call me." I said slightly smiling.

She nodded before slowly closing the door.

I sighed running my fingers through my hair as I walked back to the room. My phone started ringing as I walked through the door.

I picked up my phone answering it quickly as it was on its last ring.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Mrs.Wayne."

"Yes , whats wrong." I asked getting worried something happened.

"This is Doctor.Phell , I called to tell you Mr.Wayne is well but is in a slightly deep coma." He said making my eyes widen.

"Wha-I thought he was dead." I said.


"Yes dead."

"I don't understan-"

"He died exactly 2 hours ago , bullet got stuck in his stomach."

"...hold on manm there seems to be a error."

"What?" I said to myself.

"This cant be serious.."

"Mrs.Wayne , I am so sorry for the inconvenience but Mr.Wayne is still alive..there must've been a error with the information. ."

"But how could that be , he got shot 3 times in the stomach it doesn't add up." I said.

"Mamn there was 3 people in that shooting , one got got shot in the stomach , the other one got shot in the arm. Mr.wayne on the other-hand got shot really close near his heart we were lucky the bullets went through and didn't get stuck inside and puncture anything to save him , but thats another reason he is in that deep coma." He said.

I heard Aliyah starting to wine heavily.

"Ok , would it be ok to see him tonight?"

"Uh , yeah I guess it would be fine."

"Ok thank you so much." I said.

"No problem Mrs.Wayne have a nice night." He replied before hanging up.

I sighed as I walked over to Aliyah picking her up trying to get her to stop crying.

• Jesiana's POV

I looked in the mirror staring at myself. I looked horrible and its only been a few hours.

This long hair just erked the hell out of me. Everything did.

I looked for some hair scissors , once I finally found some , I undid my ponytail instantly chopping at my hair

"Jesiana you done yet?" I heard Michelle ask.

"Um , yea." I replied , picking my hair up throwing it in the small garbage.

I put the scissors back , before opening the door.

She looked surprised as she stared at me "what did you do!" She said.

"I cut my hair." I mumbled going past her.

"Jesiana wait I gotta tell you something.." Michelle said.

"What?" I asked turning around.

"He's not dead."


Couldn't do that to yall.

Kevins not dead yall , thankfully.🙏🏾

Sorry I haven't updated in a while wasn't in the mood.
But Im back. ☺️

Had to republish cause wattpad  published it. -_-

Sorry for typos.

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-lndi ⚫️

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