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You were sitting in your room just casually updating your bitch account. You had an account on Instagram where you daily post sassy remarks. You are a really sassy and brave girl. You decide to text your boyfriend Niall.

Hey Ni

You decide to post a few more things on your account and scroll through Instagram. You decide to text your best friend.


It has been two hours now and Niall or your best friend still hasn't responded to you.


You texted him again but still no answer. Normally he would text you back. You found this suspicious. You decide to text your best friend again.

I'm boredd

You sighed. You went on Snapchat and watched some stories. Then your best friend's story came up. It was a picture of a room you knew very well with the caption 'jus hanging ;)'. This was suspicious. That room was Niall's. You stood up and drove to Niall's flat. You had keys to his flat so you silenty went inside. You weren't surprised when you hear moans coming from his room. You gasped. You went to his bedroom and as you take a peek through the doorlock you were shocked. It was Niall and Y/BestFriends/N. You were actually furious right now. All what you wanted to do is storm inside the room and tell them how horrible they are and how they could dare to do that. You sighed. If you see your boyfriend with another girl, don't panic and breath deeply. You shoot better when you're relaxed, you tought. You remember how'd Niall hate it when his car is dirty. You smirked to yourself as you went to his refridgerator to grab a bottle ketchup. You went outside and slammed a window open with the ketchup bottle. You opened the ketchup and put it all over the steering wheel and seats. Then you went back inside and grabbed some yoghurt. You opened the pack yoghurt and poured it all over his windows. Then you went inside to grab his knife and make some holes in the tires of his car. You went back inside and threw all the items you used on the floor, what caused a loud noise. You immediately ran outside into your car and drove back home.

It's thursday and you went onto your personal Instagram. You found a picture with your best friend you wanted to post so badly but what she did is something you won't forget so fast. You cut her off the picture and applied the mirror effect. So you you stood two times on the picture. You went onto Instagram and posted the picture with the caption "Transformation thursday bc who needs friends who fuck ur boyfriend"
You smiled and a few comments were appearing from your other friends. Suddenly you hear someone coming inside and to your surprise it was your oh so amazing boyfriend, Niall who cheated on you with your best friend. He walked inside and gave you a little smile. "Hey love." He says as he wanted to give you a kiss but you walked away. "I brought you a milkshake." He says as he hands you some. "Thanks." You say as you fake a smile. "Aren't you gonna drink it?" He asks. "No." You say as you fake a smile again. "Why?" He asked. You opened the milkshake and poured it all over him. His reaction was being shocked. "Wh-Why did you do that?" He stuttered. "Because I fucking can." You respond. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Remember how you told me you would never hurt me?" You ask him. He nodded. "It's just the same with your car. Remember how I told you I'd never trash your car?" You ask. "I did anyways." You say. "So you was the one who trashed my car completely?" He asks. "Ind-" You wanted to respond but suddenly your best friend walked in and cut you off. "Y/N you are really a mean ugly bitch!!" She cut you off. You flipped your hair and smirked "It's so joke when people try and insult me by calling me a bitch I love it so thanks for the reassurance tho try again hunny." You respond. "I really hate how confident you are. This is why I cheated on you with him! Can't we start over?" She asked and began to cry really hard. You shook your head. "Why aren't you even crying? I would cry when my best friend would tell me this." She said as she began to cry even louder. "I won't cry for you Y/BF/N. My mascara was too expensive." You respond. "I really hate you and your sassy remarks. I hate you!" She screamed. "Hate makes you ugly, oops! Too late!" You say sarcastically. She screamed and ran outside. "One bitch down, another asshole to go." You say as you turn back to Niall. "Niall you can leave now, we're over." You ask. "But I love you, you can't do this to me." He whined.
"I love you too Niall, but this is revenge. You hurt me. Now I hurt you." You say as you point to the door. He walked out with his head hanging down and to lift up your mood you watched Pretty Little Liars the whole day.

This was like an asshole Niall well, sort of imagine lols anyways, vote if you want more imaginessss :)))

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