My Favorite Teacher 2

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Your alarm began to beep. Lazily, you open your eyes. As you look at the time you gasp really loud. It was 9 am. An half hour ago the school started. Your eyes widen and you immediately hurry out of your bed. You had already laid down your clothes for today so that didn't take really long. It was your make up and hair. You went for a natural look and tried to hurry up. You put as fast as you could the foundation and concealer on. You grabbed the mascara and lipstick and immediately used it. You threw it behind you on the floor, not bothering it was going to be a mess. You only just brushed your hair and rushed downstairs. You panicked as you searched for food and only grabbed an apple. You grabbed your bag and ran outside, slamming the door behind you. You jumped in your car and immediately sped up. As you arrive at the school you notice the playgrounds empty and you ran inside. You rushed to the corridors and searched for your class. After you found the class you hear a male voice speaking. To your surprise you find this weird and to be polite you knocked three times at the door. You hear a "come in!" and you open the door and walk inside. Your eyes widen as you see who's teaching the kids. "Hey babe, surprised to see me?" Niall smirked. You roll your eyes as response. For the past few days Niall has been coming earlier to pick up Theo and you were glad with that. Buf even tough he always tried to flirt with you, you had found some interest in him. You hear a few children gasping. "Miss Y/N is back!" or "Miss Y/N we missed you" You tought this was cute even tough you were absent for 30 or 40 minutes. Theo jumped up and down. "Miss Y/N! We're glad you're back! Uncle Niall can't really teach." He says. Some other kids were agreeing. "Hey I was trying." Niall pouted. You put your bag down next to the teacher's desk and lay your books on the desk. You grab some chalk and Niall still stood there looking at you. "Uh.. Niall?" You trailed off.
"Hm?" He hummed. "You can go now.. Thanks tough for backing me up." You say and crack a smile. "Oh no no no I'll just stay here." He says while scratching the back of his head. "I think he likes Miss Y/N." You hear some of the children whisper. "No I don't!" Niall immediately denying it. You nod. Niall went to the back of the class and sat down on a stool. "Okay kids so yesterday I teached you how to divide a number with 0." You say. "Can someone of you tell me how it worked?" You continued. No one raises a hand and you sigh. "What is 8 divided by 0, Zeke?" You ask. "I don't know miss." He says awkwardly. You grab some chalk and walk to his desk. You lay 2 chalks on his desk and began to ask. "You have 2 chalks. What if you divide them by 0? What happens then?" You ask. "I think that the answer is 1." Zeke responds. You shook your head. "Damn kid this is the easiest shit ever c'mon!" Niall began to scold. "Niall!" You hissed and turned to him. "Don't treat them like that and please don't interrupt my lessons." You say.
"Now Zeke what is a synonym for if you have 0 apples?" You ask the little kid. "It means that you don't have any apples." He responds. "That's correct." You point out. "But what now if you have two chalks and you want to divide them by 0 chalks?" You ask. "I guess it still stays two?" He asks. "Good job Zeke!" You smile. You give him a high-five and walk back to the front of the class. "So does everyone gets it?" You ask. Everyone nods. You turn to the blackboard and began to write down some sums. "Damn." You hear someone say. You turn back around and glare at Niall. You knew that it was him. "Kids solve all of these, I'll be right back. I'm going to talk with Niall!" You say and drag him with you outside of the class into the corridors. "Niall you are interrupting my lessons." You say. "And scolding them out isn't working it'll only hurt their little hearts, please be quiet, yes?" You ask. "I'm sorry but I can't take this anymore." He says and you frown. Suddenly he kissed you and it was an unexpected one. You kissed him back and your lips molded together perfectly. It turned into an heavy make-out session and you two were almost out of breath. You hear children behind you saying 'ewwwww' and you pulled away from him. "Kids please go back into the class." You say. They sighed and went inside. "You're so good in teaching kids." He whispered. "Teach me how I can make you mine." You wanted to respond to him but you hear screams coming out from the classroom. "MISS Y/N IS MY AUNTIE NANANA." Theo screams as he stamps on the floor. "Theo please sit back down." You laugh. Niall also went back inside the classroom and Theo immediately raised his hand. "What's up Theo?" You ask. "Are you and uncle Ni together?" He asks. You glance at Niall and he shyly looks at you. "Yes." You nod and Niall only bites his lip.

This was the last part of 'My favorite teacher' lols

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