Bet 5

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"Okay, (Y/N). You can open your eyes now." You followed Niall's command, opening your eyes as they took in the beautiful sight. You looked through the car's windshield to see a clear view of the city in front of you. Niall had brought you to the top of a cliff to admire the city's bright lights. "Niall, this is incredible," you gasped. "Just wait till you get out, it's even better." You hopped out of the car, joyously running into Niall's open arms. He took your hand in his before leading you over to the fancy picnic he had set up. "I can't believe you went through all this... just for me." "I'd do anything for you, princess," he grinned, pulling you in for a kiss. "You wanna eat now?" Niall asked hopefully. "Actually, I was kinda hoping we could enjoy the view for a bit first. Are you okay with that?" You glanced up at Niall to see him already grinning down at you. His hand was placed gently on your waist, rubbing soft circles into your skin. He nodded yes before following you to the edge of the cliff. "This is so beautiful," you sighed, leaning back onto Niall's chest. "Agreed," he chuckled, pulling you closer. "I could stay here forever, you know," he continued, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck. "Forever's a long time," you added, wrapping your hands around his. "I know, babe." You giggled quietly before diverting your attention back to the magnificent view. Minutes of silence and peace past before you felt a gentle pair of lips on your neck. You giggled from the tickly sensation Niall's lips brought to your neck, but he held your waist down forcefully, keeping you still. He spun you around so that your back was facing the city. His lips found their way onto yours as his hands trailed down to your butt. He groped on them tightly and forced his tongue into your mouth. "Ow, Niall," you broke away from him. "That hurts." "Shut up you slut," he spat. "Just let me kiss you." You froze, shocked at his change of tone. He continued biting on your lip, as he slowly walked forward, bringing you with him. You got closer and closer to the each of the cliff as seconds past. "Niall, what are you doing?" Your breath was heavy, and your heart was leaping out of your chest. "Don't you trust me babe?" He asked seductively, his lips hovering over yours. "C'mon princess, don't be like that." "W-what.. Niall stop it." He continued walking forward until the heels of your feet were hanging off the cliff. "Niall, back up. I'm gonna fall," you panicked. "Oh well we wouldn't want that, would we?" He teased. "Niall stop it, you're scaring me." You pleaded,tears falling from your glistening eyes. "Too late now bitch." Before you had time to respond, he pushed you off the cliff, smirking down at you as he watched you fall to your piteous death.

so that was the last part I hope you enjoyed this imagine as much as I did!

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