Magic 1

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Little 9 year old Niall was playing football with you. "Hey Y/N pass me the ball!" He yelled. You gave a simply shot and passed him the ball as you see him shooting the ball in the air. You were playing on the streets since you both don't have any space in your backyards. "Niall, you know mum and dad want us to move to England." You told him. "So I won't be seeing you anymore?" He asked. "Yep, probably not..." You trailed off. "Can't I go with you?" He pouted. "I don't know, maybe you have to ask your mum." You shrug. "I bet she says yes!" Niall exlaimed. "I'm going to pack my things, we're moving next week." You say and wave him goodbye. "See ya!" He yelled. A month later, Niall realised you were gone and totally forgot about it. He forgot to say goodbye and he was mad at himself for that. He even asked his mum to move with you but she told him he was crazy. Currently Niall was playing football in the streets again. To take his mind of a few things. As he shoots the ball in the air, an old man walks by and looked at Niall. "Hey son, what's bothering you so much?" He asks little Niall. "I friend of mine moved away and I didn't have the chance to say goodbye." He shrugs. "I'm sure you'll see your friend back, you just gotta believe in magic." The old man tells him. "I don't believe in magic." The young boy huffed. "You will, when you see her." The old man smiles. "What do you mean with that?" Niall asks confused. "You'll find out when you get older." The man responds. "Go live your dream." He continues. "I want to be a singer." Niall says. "But my parents say I won't reach anything." Niall huffed. "You just gotta believe in magic, believe me." The old man told Niall. "Okido." He says and grabs his football. "Have a good day son." The man greeted Niall. "You too sir." Niall replied and went back inside.

10 years later

You currently live in London. You just came home from work and you were tired as hell. But you still had tickets to see a football match. Your boyfriend told you he was busy and so he couldn't go with you. Those football tickets are nothing for nothing so you decide to see the match on your own. It was Manchester against some Irish club you didn't know. You didn't care though, even though you come from Ireland, you were a big fan of Manchester. You wore a blue Manchester shirt and made some blue stripes on your face. You also grabbed your Manchester United flag with you and decided to go. ( a/n: just imagine all of this, idek if an irish club can play against an english one, and also idk the distance between manchester and london so dont judge me k.) It was a 30 minute drive and you arrived on time. It doesn't bother if you came 30 minutes early or too late because you had seats. You had a really good seat and you were surprised by that because the tickets weren't that expensive. As you take your seat you look around and see a blonde guy on your left, looking around the same age as you. "Niall." He nods. "Y/N." You respond. As you look to your right, you see a man who looks somewhere around his forties. He smiles at you and you smile back. When you look to your left, you find the blonde guy staring at you what surprised you. You shrug it off and decide to focus on the football match. The first half began and you were excited to see your favorite club play. Mostly you were excited to see the players, you tought they were hot. Your favorite was Denis Irwin, you didn't know why. As you see your second favorite player dribbling the ball to Derby County's goal you yell as hard as you can. "C'mon Depay! You can do this!" You yell. (A/N: Depay is a Dutch football player who plays in Manchester United, I'm Dutch so don't judge ;p that even rhymed lollll , but for real Memphis Depay is coool af)
The guy next to you, Niall, spoke to you. "Hey, Derby needs to win." He spoke and you immediately notice his Irish accent. "Nope, Manchester has to." You reply and poke your tongue at him as you see how the almost shot the ball in the goal. "Hey, you're Irish too!" He exlaims. "Yup." You say. "Why aren't you supporting for Derby then?" He asks. "I dunno." You shrug. You see Louis Van Gaal, Manchester United's coach, biting his nails as one of Derby County's players take the ball. Niall cheers really loud and you only roll your eyes. "Wait for it, Derby's gonna win." He winks at you. You sigh, but your sigh turned into excitement as another player of Manchester takes the ball from someone of Derby. He runs as fast as he could and you see how he shoots the ball into the net, and the goalie not catching it. You scream as loud as you can because you were so happy. "Ho-How was that even possible?" He asks amazed. "It's called magic." You winked. The first half was done and you and Niall were getting both a beer together, why not? As you were standing in the row you see someone quite familiar a few feet from you. You cock your eyebrow as you notice the guy with a girl clinging onto him. Your eyes widen as you see it's your boyfriend, and that made you really pissy, what Niall seemed to notice. "Be right back." You told Niall as he gave you the beer. "Hi Y/Boyfriends/N." You smile. "Huh? Y/N what are you doing here?" He asks in complete shock, pushing the girl away from him. "I went to watch this by myself since you were so busy with your 'parents'." You respond. "B-But.." He stuttered. "Jerk, I never tought you would ever cheat on me!" You yell and pour the beer all over him. He opens his mouth because he was so in shock. "It's over Y/Bf/N!" You scream and throw the plastic cup in his face. You stomp away searching for Niall. You see him sitting in his seat and you came back and sat beside him. "What happened?" He asks. "So basically my boyfriend cheated on me.." You trail off. "I hope you're okay." He says as he rubs my back. "I think I am." You say as you give him a weak smile.

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