Attitude 1

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You were walking through the school, your backpack clutched to your back, heading to your lockers. Hoping you get to ignore Danny and Felix. These two were constantly making fun of you or making dumb comments. It wasn't bullying, but it annoyed you so much! You couldn't stand it. Your friend Liv always backed you up and together the two of you always made mean comments to them back. But Liv her granddad passed away, and she got to stay home. Now you were on your own, walking as fast as you could. As you look behind you, you see a glance of Danny's hair. You gulp and try to walk faster. But what you didn't realise was that you bumped into someone. The both of you falling on the ground. When you look at the person you bumped into, you tried to stay calm. It was Niall, the punk guy of school. He had his brow and lip pierced, it looked hot though.. His arms were full with tattoo's and his hair was blonde with brown roots. You always caught him staring at you whenever he was around. You heard from everyone he wasn't nice and that his attitude could scare everyone away. That he beat someone up so bad, that that person was in coma. You've also heard that he killed some pupils. You didn't know if those rumours are true. You can't judge a person if you don't know them well. You sighed and stayed calm. You rub your head and look at him. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking." You apologise. You grab your backpack and wait for him to scold at you and get mad at you. But this isn't what you expected. He smiled at you and stood up. "Don't worry." He says. You also stood up and brush off the dust of your skinny  jeans. Just as you were about to say something to Niall, the voices you were not hoping to hear today, spoke up behind you. "Awh little Y/N did her hair in a messy bun today." Danny says. You roll your eyes. "very tumblr." Felix laughs. "Aren't you exagagerating with the social media?" Danny asks smirking at you. "At least I have a social life, I can't say that about the two of you." You mumbled to them. Danny and Felix laughed and you walked away as fast as you can and as far away from them as possible.

4 hours later
You were happy, it was now 3 hours until it's finally time to go home. You were tired as hell and it was Friday, so you were in a happy mood, because it's almost weekend. When you were heading off  to the changing rooms, you caught some people talking about you when you walked past them. And that was weird. You didn't do anything today.. But when you saw Felix and Danny, you shreeked. You hated the both of them but what you saw surprised you immediately. Danny's lip was bust open, and he had a black eye. He had bruises and scars on his face and his knuckles were a mix of red and purple. Felix wasn't doing any better, In fact, his arm is apparently broken, because he has it in a case. He had a big cut in his right cheek. And also his knuckles were red with purple. "What happened to you?" You ask. Danny's eyes widen. You see them whispering to each other. They pull away and look at you again. "We may not talk with you." Felix says. "Why?" You ask. "Why don't you ask that little boyfriend of yours?" Felix responds and Danny only nods. They walked away before you could ask what they mean. You don't have a boyfriend. You walked into the changing rooms and bumped into someone again, today. You look up and it may be coincidence or not, but it was Niall again. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I was scared I'd miss EP so I didn't look where I was going a-" He cut your rambling off. "It's okay darling." He smiled down at you. He handed you your bag and you thanked him and sped off before he could see you blushing. What do people mean with Niall being mean. He was actually really nice.

You changed and went into the gym hall. The teacher was still calling out names so you were just on time. "Y/N Y/L/N?!" He yells. "Here!" I yelled back. "Ew you're wearing Nike." A girl commented. You look around and you were met with Courtney. "Like Adidas is something different." You remark at her shoes as you roll your eyes at her. "My shoes are pink and beautiful." She says. "And mine are black." You respond and shrugged. "They're still ugly." She says. "Drama Queen." You mumbled. She must heard you because she smacked your head. You turn to her and push her, and she fell on the ground. People noticed it because a loud thomp was heard. "Mr. Adams she pushed me!" You hear Courtney shreek. "That wasn't even tru-" You wanted to say but you were cut off. "Ms. Y/L/N, please leave." The coach says and points to the door. You roll your eyes. "Okay, you're all being drama queens right now." You say and walked back into the changing rooms. You changed in your clothes and left the room. You went to your locker and put all of your stuff in there, except for your phone and headphones. You close your locker and walk as fast as you can to the doors that lead to outside. You open the door and slam it behind you. You walk to a tree and decide to just sit and listen some music to let your anger out. As you search Halsey's music on your phone you realise a tear is rolling down your cheek. It feels like everything you do is wrong. A few other tears leave your eyes and you just sit there biting your lip, staring at nothing. Until someone spoke up: "Are you okay?"

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