My Favorite Teacher 1

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"Miss Y/N!" Someone screamed your  name. You turn around and see one of your pupils running over to you. "Hi Theo." You smiled. "I made another drawing for you!" He squeeled. "That's so sweet of you Theo, I'll hang them on  my wall along with your other drawings." You smile and respond. "I suppose that's why you came earlier to school today." You say. "No actually not! Mummy and daddy left earlier because they are going on a trip to Australia and uncle Niall is going to take care for me." He responded. "But uncle Niall is always late because of his work." He continueus. "Don't worry, I'm still here in class after school so you won't be alone if he comes later." You reassure him. "Thanks Miss Y/N, you are my favorite teacher!" He smiles and pulls you into a hug.

After school

"Miss Y/N? Are you still here?" You hear a quiet voice ask. "Yes I am." You respond. You see little Theo with his red backpack walking in. "I guess uncle Niall is late." He says and frowns. "It's okay Theo, I'll wait with you." You respond. Theo is cute and it was a bit sad that his uncle is always late for everything. You grabbed some board games and decide to play with Theo. But after two hours it was 6 in the afternoon and at this time you would normally go home. "Theo do you know exactly when your uncle is coming?" You ask him. "I don't." He replies. "But mummy left his number in my backpack for emergencies." He spoke. "Can you hand me his number?" You ask. Theo ran over to his backpack and rambled a bit in it. He handed a sticky note to you with a phone number and you tapped it into your phone. Since this uncle Niall isn't going to get Theo you decided to informate him and tell him you take Theo home with you. You called the number and it immediately went on voicemail: "Hi it's Niall here. I'm sorry but I'm not available at the moment. Leave a message after that beeping sound thing, bye." *beeeeep*
"Evening Niall. I'm Miss Y/L/N, Theo's teacher and I've noticed you aren't on time to get Theo. Since I'm leaving school I'm bringing him with me. The poor little fella can't wait alone. So if you want to pick him up, my address is Y/Adress/N. Bye." You spoke into your phone. You ended the call and grabbed your belongings. "Let's go Theo." You say and he immediately ran after you.
When you arrived home you decided to cook meal and share it with Theo. You lived alone, you broke up with your boyfriend last month. And you were slowly recovering.  But your house isn't that little and also that big so it's perfect. You ate some Mac 'n cheese with Theo and you decided to show him your wall with all drawings you received from children. "Hey those are mine!" He shouted and pointed to some of his drawings. "Yes, and it's a masterpiece, that's why I hung them." You respond. He laughed and you both talked further about his drawings but your bell rang and interrupted your conversation. "I guess that's uncle Ni!" He screams excitely. "Let's take a look." You smile. You walk with him to the door and open it. You opened the door and you met by a pair of blue eyes. After you realised you were staring a long time at him, your eyes widened and you felt ashamed. You shook it off and grabbed Theo's backpack. "Here's your backpack." You say and handed him it. "Thanks for the fun miss Y/N, you are really my favorite teacher!" He shouted and hugged you. "You're so sweet Theo." You say. "Sleep well and see you tomorrow!" You wave at him. Theo jumped into his uncle's car. Then you realised his uncle was still standing at your doorframe. "I noticed you staring." He says. You began to blush and then shook it off. "Maybe.." You drag off. "Anyways I want to ask you why you're so late." You ask him. "Don't you know me?" He laughed. "I never met you before, Niall." You repond. "I'm in One Direction, a band." He says. "I'm impressed wow, that isn't a reason to get him this late." You respond and clapped your hands in a sarcastic way. "Just search it on google, you'll find out why I'm so busy." He says. "Anyways I get why you're Theo's favorite teacher. With that look and personality you would be my favorite teacher too.." He continues and winks at you. He walks to his car and stepped inside the drivers seat. You were watching his moves. He rolled down his window. You look again and realised it was Theo who rolled down the window. "Miss!" He screamed. "What's the matter?" You ask. "Uncle Niall thinks you're beautiful!" He shouted. You hear Niall swearing and the window rolled down again. You watch them leaving your street. You close the door behind you and walked inside. You went onto your computer and searched 'one direction' and you were surprised at what was appearing on your screen. You saw pictures of his band appearing, not only that. But also pictures with big crowds what must be their fans. You also saw some tweets of them with things like 'working on the new album' or 'making lyrics' or anything that has to do with making a new album or song.

*to be continued*



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