Vacation 2

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Niall's pov

it was around 7 o'clock and Harry and I had just pulled up to the girls' hotel. We entered the lobby to see (y/n)'s friend Grace waiting at the door. She looked pretty, but the one I was really interested in was nowhere to be seen. I was talking to harry, but I quickly lost his attention once he played his eyes on Grace. After that, a huge smile spread across his face. He walked over and greeted her with a hug, which seemed to last pretty long. By now the two were engaged in an exciting conversation, leaving me standing alone at the door. I looked at the clock on the dark blue walls, it read 7:06. I walked over to Grace and stood next to Harry, who was doing his best to impress her. " (Y/n) should be down soon, I don't know what's taking her so long." She said to Harry. I looked over to the pair, standing awfully close now " there's no trouble, I'm sure everyt-..." In the middle of my sentence, something caught my eye. It was her. (Y/n). She looked amazing. Her long hair was just the perfect length. With wavy curls bouncing around as she rushed down the stairs. Being the guy who I am, I couldn't help but notice more than just her beauty. She had an amazing smile, don't get me wrong. And her eyes, oh, her eyes were beautiful and her soft, pink lips looked absolutely kissable. But that wasn't the only thing that stood out. Not only was she cute and adorable, but sexy and breathtaking as well. Her legs were tan, so tan. And her bum wasn't too big or too small, but just the perfect size. Harry and her friend were too busy staring at each other, and with me admiring (y/n) the lobby was silent, but the loudest kind of quiet. I heard the occasional typing on the computer from the man at the front desk, but I had all my attention on (Y/n). She walked up to me and smiled her beautiful, adorable smile. "Hey, sorry I'm late." She said sincerely. "Nah, don't sweat it. I guess it was worth it because you look absolutely amazing." "Thanks" she giggled. I could tell she was nervous so I tried to break the silence. "Well, we should probably get going. You ready?" I say, reaching out my hand for her to take.

Y/N's pov

The night began when niall took your hand and escorted you to his car. You Sat in the front with him, as Harry and grace were snuggled in the back. Niall turned to you and smiled, "wow" he grinned "you look beautiful." He whispered. You looked down and smiled. "Want some music?" He suggested while his eyes lit up reaching for the radio. "That would be mice" you say, letting out a soft smile "just promise me one thing okay?" " anything" he chuckled. "Please tell me you have good taste in music." You teased. " and what would that be" "hmmm....well rock is my favorite genre hands down and I pretty much like everything else, so something tells me Ill approve." "Ahhh good to know." He joked. The rest of the car ride to your surprise date was full of you and Niall singing along to the radio as your friends flirted in the backseat. " we're here!" Niall screamed as he jumped out of the car excitedly and raced over to open your door. "Someone's excited" you giggle. "Of course im excited" he said, " it's not everyday you get to go to the fair with such a pretty girl " he cheekily smiled. You smiled in awe of how sweet he was being. Reminding yourself that you were here to have fun, you quickly rushed over to him and whispered in his ear "let's go have fun then!" He took your hand once again and ran to the ticket booth. "Two tickets!" He said keeping his grip on your hand. Both of your fingers were intertwined while Niall handed the woman at the booth $20. He raced over to the nearest ride, but we could here the distant call of the lady who sold him the tickets, "you two have fun" she hollered. Niall and I sat down.

Some time later

You and Niall waited in line for the ferris wheel and finally got to ride. The whole way up he was playing footsie with you, and playing with your hair. Every time he did, you couldn't help but giggle. The wheel made its way towards the top, and once it got there it stopped right at the highest point. "This is my least favorite part." You tell him. "It's so cute when you get scared." "No it's not" you giggle nervously. He can tell you're actually a little scared, so he takes his hand and places it on your thigh. "Hehehe" you giggle some more. "What now?" He chuckled. " that tickles" you whisper. "Ahh, okay. You want me to stop?" You turn to him and smile, "no". A couple minutes later you and Niall are still seated at the very top of the ride. You look down at the ground. Niall, being the crazy goofball that he is starts to rock the cart back and forth freaking you out like crazy. " what are you doing?!" You laugh, playfully hitting him on his arm. You can't help notice his arm. His strong, warm, toned arm. "You don't like that, huh?" He teased. You don't even answer, just give him a silly look that makes him smile. "I swear if you do that one mo-" he cuts you off, crashing his lips against yours, which makes the cart rock even more, but you don't stop him. You just sit back and let him kiss you.n the ferris wheel putting his arm around me and whispered in my ear, "oh, we will"


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