Bet 14

583 11 2

"Ready? You can open your eyes now." You obeyed Niall's command as his soothing voice sent shivers down your spine. He uncovered your eyes, stepping to your side as one of his hands trailed down to the small of your back. You loved it when he did that. The feeling you got from his gentle touch was indescribable. Even if you wanted to hate him, you couldn't admit that he's the only one who can give you that feeling. Your eyes opened to take in the overwhelming view of an empty stadium that surrounded you on all sides. "I-I don't understand," your voice echoed in the large arena. "Why'd you bring me here?" Niall grinned before pointing to the far left of the stadium. You followed his long, skinny finger to see a bunch of soccer balls lying next to a bench. You squinted your eyes as they focused in on the two jerseys that lay on top of the bench. "Soccer?" you giggled. "Or football, as I like to call it," he grinned, pulling you into his side. "C'mon, I wanna show you our jerseys." You beamed uncontrollably as Niall led you to the edge of the soccer field. You couldn't deny it: you were falling for Niall... again. This boy had some type of charm that you couldn't quite put to words, but it was irresistible. Even though your mind told you to avoid him at all costs, you heart couldn't help but trust him. You loved hearing his angelic voice pronounce words in the most beautiful accent. You loved watching his lips move as he told you a cheeky pick-up line, or some stupid joke. As much as you wanted to hate him, you couldn't gather the guts to do it. "Look," Niall cheered like a little toddler. "Derby jerseys!" You smiled to yourself as you watched Niall run to the bench, picking up a jersey as his held it up to his chest. "Good fit?" he asked. "Perfect," you grinned. He beamed back at you, "Oh, and look!" He turned the jersey around for you to see "Horan" engraved on the back. "You've got it, too!" You giggled before picking up your personalized jersey to see that your last name was indeed painted on the back of the green piece of clothing. As you traced your fingers across the smooth material of the jersey, your eyes made their way to Niall, who was in the midst of changing. He had taken off his white t-shirt, exposing his tan and muscular back. When he turned around to grab his jersey, you caught a glimpse of his toned abs. Your eyes unconsciously trailed up his defined muscles and onto his pecs and biceps before- "You okay?" he grinned widely, turning around fully so that you had the perfect view of his abs. "Huh?" You snapped out of your fantasy as your eyes found Niall's. "Stop staring at me and start changing," he chuckled. You sheepishly nodded before tuning around, slowly taking off your blouse. If only you knew that Niall had completely forgot about changing and had his eyes fixed on your body the entire time.

Niall's POV

Yesterday, (Y/N) and I had an absolute blast at the stadium. We spent the entire evening together, playing scrimmages and accidentally kicking the ball into the stands. I ran into school today in total bliss, excited out of my freaking mind to see (Y/N). I held a bouquet of flowers tightly in my grasp as I made my way up the front steps of the school. I sprinted up to second floor, heading towards (Y/N)'s locker, hoping to see that she had arrived. To my relief, she did. There she stood in a stunning outfit, her books held tightly within her arms. I smiled to myself as I began walking towards her, until I realized that she was talking to someone. It was a boy. (Y/N) was talking to a boy. I took in the mystery guy's appearance. He was quite handsome, I'll admit, but I haven't seen him around before. I looked at them from across the hallway, noticing how the guy had his fingers gliding gently across (Y/N)'s skin, smiling at the girl of my dreams. My heart shattered at the sight. It wasn't the fact that I was angry at the guy for getting his hands on my girl, but it was the fact that (Y/N) let him do it. She let him do it after an incredible and unforgettable afternoon she had spent . I watched her every move intently, noticing how she was flirting with the attractive young boy as he returned the favor. The sight made me want to puke. I had put so much effort in trying to win back a girl who I thought was perfect for me. But now I know. I know exactly who (Y/N) is. She's a player, and attention-seeker. She just likes being chased by guys, and then throws them away once she loses interest in them. I can't believe I was stupid enough to fall for someone like that. Someone so manipulative and deceiving. She was in the midst of sharing a laugh with the brunette boy as I scoffed to myself. I glared at her one more time, reprimanding myself for how stupid I was for falling for someone so easily. She was my first proper girlfriend, so I guess that makes sense. Everyone says you can't get over your first love, but I'll prove them wrong. I'll show them that I can get over (Y/N). Screw that stupid bet with Louis.I'm not spending another second with that selfish girl. Turning around, I threw the flowers in the trash can as I made my toward first period.

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