Little Do You Know

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You were a singersongwriter. Your boyfriend was the famous Niall Horan from One Direction. Niall has been going out a lot the past few weeks. You even caught some pictures on internet where he was kissing other girls. You were torn and broken after you saw that. You wanted to confront Niall with it but you were afraid. Afraid of what would happen. Right now you were crying yourself to sleep. This has become a daily routine. Normally you would wait for Niall to get home. But he would always come late like 3 am or 4 am. So instead you'd cry yourself to sleep. You were even doubting it to yourself. Why he has been going out a lot. Has he lost interest in you? You didn't know.

The sun was shining through the window and you woke up. You looked at the time and see it's 2 pm. You've slept really long. You see the empty side of the bed and that means that Niall has already left for work. They're working on their new album. That's what he has been saying for the past few weeks. You were afraid that he was cheating behind your back. You already knew he cheated on you multiple times. You just couldn't confront him with it. You'd always let your emotions out in songs. That's why you became famous. People could relate to your songs and understand you. You went for a shower and got yourself dressed. You grab a piece of paper from the desk and a black pencil. You began to write down some lines.

Little do you know
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep

You sniffed a bit. The only time he is with you is when he's falling asleep. And every picture of him touching an other girl on your Twitter feed breaks your heart.

Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memories

You feel a teardrop rolling down from your cheek and silently think. He leaves you, broken and torn apart. You are trying to stay strong. Hoping Niall would just think properly again. But you know nothing will change if you don't take the first step and confront him about it.

Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself up piece by piece

You feel tears pricking in your eyes. And then you feel the tears dropping from your eyes. You cried silently. But then your phone began to ring. As you looked at the caller ID you were shocked to see that Niall was calling you. You immediately tap on the decline button. You decide to call your best friend. She's been here for you since kindergarten. And you wanted to catch up on some things. Now you were calling with her for two hours and she invited you to eat dinner at 6 at her house. You accepted the offer. As you know Niall, he won't mind. He won't get a little butthurt over the fact you'll be out. You decided to turn around the paper where you were writing lyrics on and just leaving it there. You stepped into your shoes and put on your coat. You were still talking with Y/BF/N and decide to call her the whole way you go to her. You guys have done this so many times so yeah. "Y/N don't walk to a door like do you remember that time when you did and you had a red mark on your forehead?" She laughed. "Sadly I do!" You laughed. You see Niall walking in. Your eyes widen and you just ignore it. "I still remember when Logan slipped over a banana." You laugh into the phone. You feel his eyes on you following every step you take. "Now when you mentioned Logan, I invited him over too!" She says. "That's cool I kinda miss him. I haven't seen him for ages!" You say and leave the room ignoring Niall's presence. You walk outside and take the bus. Your best friends' house wasn't that far away. As you arrive she kindly invited you inside and Logan was already there. You ate mac 'n cheese together and you guys had a lot fun. You even had a snapchat story of 60 seconds long. Funny selfies or emberassing things you guys were doing. The fun ended when the bell rang.
"I'll get it! You yelled still laughing cause of what you did a few minutes ago. You were trying to make ninja moves but you accidentally slipped and landed on your bum what made Logan and Y/BF/N laughing their asses off.
You opened the door and you weren't very pleased with who was standing there. It was Niall. "What are you doing here?" You ask awkwardly. "Hey I wanted to talk ab-" Niall spoke but Logan's voice interrupted you from behind. "Who's at the door Y/N?"
"I wanted to come by. I saw your snapchat story." Niall responds.
"Niall I'm having a fun night with them. My friends, I haven't seen them since long ago. I wanted to catch up you know?" You ask. "I'm your boyfriend." He rolled his eyes as he replies. "So?" You ask. He didn't respond so you shut the door in his face.

2 weeks later

You had taken your distance from Niall. After everything that happened. You've noticed that he's coming earlier home now. And that he isn't going out anymore. But still you took your distance from him. Even tough he went back in bed with you and tried to cuddle with you, you'd always slip out of his arms. Whenever he asked you out you told him you had other things to do. You were getting ready for today. You had planned to go and grab an icecream with Logan. You were doing your make-up. As you look back in the mirror you see Niall in the reflection. "I'm sorry." He spoke up. "Wow and finally you noticed something." You say and sigh deeply. "Actually I saw the paper with the lyrics you wrote." He responds. You just nod. "Y/N." He says.
"I'm really sorry. All those girls were mistakes. I really love you. I just wasn't thinking and you know how I act when I'm drunk. What I want to ask is if you'd still forgive me." He asks as his eyes glance up. "I don't know Niall." You sighed. "Give me time." You say.
",just wait." You continued. He nods and says "if that's what you want." and walked away. You groaned and pulled on your hair. You went back to your desk and found the paper with the lyrics and decide to continue it.

Little do you know
I need a little more time

Underneath it all
I'm held captive by the hole inside
I've been holding back for the the fear that you might change your mind
I'm ready to forgive you but
forgetting is a harder fight

Little do you know
I need a little more time

You sighed. You were afraid this might end. You just couldn't believe the fact that he realised.

a week later

You had gotten even more distant from Niall. And sadly, he noticed. You never kissed him back. You always brushed off his time to cuddle with you. You declined when he offered to go out or to go on a date. You even didn't take a shower with him anymore. You were hurting. He was too. But you didn't know that. Now, you were done showering and wrapped a towel around your body. When you opened the bathroomdoor you were surprised. Niall was standing there with his guitar. He began to strum a few chords and he began to sing.

Little do you know
How I'm breaking while you fall asleep
Little do you know
I'm still haunted by the memories
Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself up
piece by piece

Little do you know
I need a little more time

Underneath it all
I'm held captive by the hole inside
I've been holding back for the fear
that you might change your mind
I'm ready to forgive you but
forgetting is a harder fight

Little do you know
I need a little more time.

You immediately realised what he was singing. He was singing your lyrics. He must have found it on your desk. You tought he was done but he strummed his guitar again and began to sing again.

I'll wait, I'll wait
I love you like you've never
felt the pain
I'll wait
I promise you don't have to be afraid
I'll wait
The love is here and here to stay
So lay your head on me

Little do you know
I know you're hurt while
I'm sound asleep
Little do you know
All my mistakes are slowly
drowning me
Little do you know
I'm trying to make it better
piece by piece

Little do you know
I, I love you 'till the sun dies

Tears were brimming in your eyes. He made a song of it. A teardrop began to roll down on your cheek. "Please Y/N." He begged. "Give me a second chance, I truly love you. I tried to make a song of it. I hope you liked it." He said. Some other tears escaped your eyes.
"Oh love, come here." He says and he immediately hugged you. It felt good to hug him. "I love you Niall." You told him as the tears were dropping on his shirt. "I love you too." He responded.

THIS IS TRASH BYE btw the song little do you know by alex and sierra inspired me for this imagine

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