Twins 4

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''So.. My brother will be here any minute.. So you can choose" Niall gulped loudly, looking down at his fiddling hands. "Okay" you whispered, in your mind weighing out the pros and cons. Nick was phenomenal, and Niall was perfect. Who the hell will you pick?

You looked over at Niall to see him flicking through more movies, his lips parted in concentration.

"Can you help me make up my mind a little more?" You asked, watching as he looked over to you with furrowed eyebrows

"Ugh yeah sure. How?" He asked, gazing at you as you crawled the two feet over to him in the fort. You needed to feel his lips on yours once more, the feeling was so amazing that you just were left wanting more.

You sat in front of his crossed legs, your hands in your lap as you slowly leaned in

"Just one more" you whispered against his lips, before crashing your lips onto his. He kissed back immediately, proving to you that he will give you his all. His hands went to the back of your thighs, assisting you to sit on his lap. Since you were closer, you now tangled both your hands in his hair, just a bit taller than him from this new angle. His hands slowly moved from your thighs to your ass, back and forth as if in slow motion. You didn't mind, you have always pegged Niall as the innocent twin. You knew Nick had been with multiple girls, but seeing Niall like this was new for you, and you couldn't help but enjoy every second of it. Suddenly the door opened, causing you to jump off Niall's lap. He looked over to you with a smirk, winking at you.

"Wow, cool bro" Nick welcomed himself sarcastically, noticing the fort. Niall got out of the fort, you following behind.

"Did you guys just have sex?!" Nick awed, pointing at Niall's hair. Niall blushed a deep red and fixed his hair, while you only rolled your eyes

"You had sex with him and not me? Babe, cmon now. I'm much more experienced and better" Nick muttered, looking over to you. You furrowed your eyebrows at how mean he was to Niall, looking over to Ni to see him looking to the ground and swearing to himself.

"We didn't" you told Nick, only for Niall to fire back at his brother too

"So what if we did? That just means that she likes me better" he smirked, crossing his arms over his chest

"Or she just feels bad for your sorry ass" Nick chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest as well

"You're just jealous cause she's gonna pick me" Niall argued

"Yeah. Okay. She's gonna pick the loser of the family, the one that's a virgin, doesn't know how to party, and all he does is focus on soccer and golf. There's more to life than that Niall!!" Nick rose his voice a bit, causing you to step back

"Maybe she doesn't want a stupid lowlife who all he focuses on is drugs, drinking, and fucking girls!! Maybe she doesn't want to be the next only to get dumped!" Niall shouted, and you figured now was the time to intervene before things got worse

"GUYS" you shouted, stepping in between them.

"Arguing isn't gonna make me chose either one of you easier" I confessed, to which they both sighed before turning to look at me

"Well?" Nick brought up, meeting my gaze

"Then who?" Niall added on, and I turned to look at him. Oh no, this was it. I think I knew the answer, obviously. But there was this little part of me that wanted that thrill, the adventure. The answer was so clear, so bright, that it brought a smile to my face.

"Nick" I told, earning a big smile from him as Niall's face dropped, his whole body physically showing shock and sadness

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