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Everything was not going as it was planned, all the plans I had made with friends , my goals and almost eveything changed.

We lived in Lahore, this city held many memories of my childhood and all the hangouts with friends. I never thought we might have to leave it forever one day, it was the most beautiful place. People known as 'Lahoris' are the most caring, loving and what not...

I wish things could turn to the way they were.

I looked from the aisle seat, we were aboard on the plane, as it took off... The beauty of Lahore was twice than before as we were halfway through the city.

I wanna stay!!

I felt my eyes filled with tears as I kept on glancing until we were lost in the clouds. My brother's wife was sitting next to me, I wiped off my tears and sighed.

"Everything is going to be alright" Said Maira my brother's wife.

At least I'm with my parents, I didn't though about her.. She's leaving with us while her parents were Still at Lahore. Oh Allah.. I'm such an unthankful person.

I smiled and tightened my hijab which was almost slipping off my head.

I was heading towards the so called 'City of lights', Karachi. I had only seen the sea side on television or on the internet. But this time I'll visit it ! I'll b able to feel the wind brushing my face and see the sea waves running wild.

New people, new neighbors, new school and new friends. I'm don't feel prepared.

While i waited for the plane to departure. The memories of the crisis we faced replayed in my mind, when I left the school just to support my family by giving home tuitions, how Maria kept on searching for a job while my brother Atif was at the hospital after he had an accident. My father had received a letter from the bank asking him to return the money he had taken from the bank or else our house would come under the property of the bank. At one side my brother was fighting for his life at the hospital and on the other hand we were in bad crisis. We already had an offer from someone who was interested in buying our house, it was a blessing anyway or else it takes months or even years if we want our house to be sold in a profitable way.

After we had sold our house, dad returned the Money to the bank and finally was able to pay the restover amount for my brother's treatment.

After two weeks, when my Atif Bhai(brother) returned home, we had arranged the tickets for Karachi and after two days, we left.

My mother's mother , my grandmother lives there and so does my Aunts and Uncles and their children. Only my father's relatives and Maria's family lived in Lahore.

We had planned to stay at our grandmother's place until dad and Atif would find a job, my dad's relatives were not welloff enough to take care of our expenses so we had no other choice.

"We have arrived" someone moved me while I was staring at the window. I stood up and saw the air hostess giving me a warm smile, Maria was talking to mom and didn't care to disturb me.

"sorry" I said moving out and grabbing my bag.

"No need" she smiled again and walked away.


4 months later

We lived with with my mother's family for almost three months and while we remained patient and with our believe firm in Allah, He always helps his people in need, He never leaves them helpless or give them more burden than they can handle.

And with his grace, dad and Atif both found a job, we lived in a small rented apartment and planned to save our money to buy a new house of our dreams.

We had no words to Thank Allah for blessing us with so much in such a little time. Life ain't perfect, if your having your perfect moment then the worst is yet to come. What makes us strong is, never rely on people, we are totally dependent on ourselves and Allah.

We come into this world alone and we die alone, so probably the world around us is just an illusion.

"Hey Aleena!" Said Atif Bhai entering in my room while knocking the door.

"Ahan?" I said, I was setting up my bag and making sure everything was in place.


"I'm excited as if its my first day at school tomorrow"I said while closing the cupboard.

He gave a sarcastic laugh and sat on my bed.

"We are sorry, me and dad"

His words hanged in the air, what did he just say?. I stared at him making sure if it was really him.


I remember when he had broken my MAC HIGHLIGHTER, that super expensive thing was thrown by this jerk! And he didn't care to say 'Sorry' instead got me a new one. Well, he's kinda caring as well

"Why?" I finally managed to ask.

"You lost a school year because of us, you had to leave your friends and what not... Even those plans.."

"Shhhh ... Sh.... Bhaaai! You don't need to be sorry neither dad! I have seen what just happened .. Its okay.. Allah knows what's better for us.."

"Woah.. You have grownup" he said pursing his lips and controlling his chuckle.

Brothers never change.

"Get out .. Bleh" I said rolling over my eyes and grabbed my cell phone.

He chuckled.

"And I meant it what I said.. Thanks for understanding" he smiled and pulled out something from under the pillow.

What's it? When did he kept it there?

"Doesn't suit you" I tongued at him.

"Shut up, take this .. You ruined my lines" He said and walked out of my room.


And just like a 2 year old, I swinged hugging those Chocolates back and forth. You have no idea about my love for chocolate so have no right to say its overreacting!

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