Searching For Tahir

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I called at the very moment I received the text. It was ringing and then it went busy . I called again and she finally picked up.

" Hello?" I said.

Silence. No reply.

" Helloooooo.... Is this Maha talking?"

" Who are you?" She answered immediately.

" I'm hamza"

" Hamza? Hamza the one from Letees ?"

" Exactly!"

"What happen? Wait... How did you got my number ? Don't tell me you kidnapped Aleena! You ..."

" Shutup! Listen!" I shouted , her stupid questions made me angry , I tried to calm myself and then deeply exhaled.

" Sorry" She said, in her smooth voice.

" Tell me about Tahir!" I said, and sat down on my bed with eagerness of listening to Aleena' s story.

" Tahir? Ohh.... Yeah... Tahir was expelled from his college because we had complained about the harassment case of him and his friends to his principle. The..."

"Whom did he harassed?" I said , cutting in the mid of her sentence.

"Umm... A.... Al..Aleena"

"What?!"I replied with disbelief.

"Then since that day, he has been annoying Aleena just to take his revenge from her. Aleena has been always worried cuz of him! She never told her parents ! But when she intended to tell them , she was kidnapped... Tahir can be behind this"

"How can you say that?"

" Aleena told me .... Ah... She said.... I don't .... Yeah! He even came to her house and said that one day he'll touch ...umm her... Umm... Like... Whatever he said ! He meant that he'll rape her ...."

" But why would he do that?"

" Cuz when ... umm.. Aleena tried to get loose of his grip ....she slapped him and it offended him ... He.."

"Okay! Just tell me how to get to him?"

I tightened my fist with anger, I was ready to murder him. If he would have even went near her , I'll beat him to death. My mind popped with strange ideas , I'll get him to him.

"I don't know... Hes expelled from college and has been roaming around, but Aleena never saw him since a month I guess"

" Why are you like and I guess to everything your saying ?" She has been not sure for what she was saying.

" I'm freaking worried about her , she is not only my Bestfriend but also a sister... I haven't slept peacefully since the day she was kidnapped.... Im  freaking out!!! I...." She started sobbing , she didn't said a thing after that. I ran my hands through my hair and thought of ways to know where that damn Tahir is?

"Hey, stop crying please.... Umm... Just tell me if their is anyway I can get to him ? Anyway? There must be!"

" I.... I.... I don't know... "

" Oh God ! Okay in which college he was ?"

" I don't remember... I'll text you as soon as I'll remember "

" Okay, take care .... Umm Allah Hafiz "

The only way of getting to Aleena was Tahir , and now her Bestfriend doesn't even know neither remember a thing , that's damn!

Now what should i do?

I got of from my bed and wandered in my room. My heart was literally broken , I felt weird, even thinking about her made me cry, what has she done to me? If I won't have her , then I'm sure I'll die due to depression of losing her.

Allah HO Akbar (Allah is the greatest)
Allah HO Akbar

I heard the adhaan( Call for prayer from the mosque) , I went to the bathroom and did my wudhu. I walked out of my house towards the mosque and performed my Salah(Prayer) , the darkness took over the whole city, except a dim light that danced in the sky.

After performing my maghrib Salah, I sat in the mosque and started to pray .
Oh Allah ! My merciful Lord!
Keep her safe ! Oh Allah ,she is your pure being , She does all possible things to satisfy you and you know that.
Oh Allah ! Do a miracle, please I plead you !

I felt something on my hands that were raised for Dua , my both hands joined in front of my face, I was crying. For surely my lord listens to me and I believe that a miracle is about to happen.

I stood up and went out of the mosque. I felt better, their was a glimpse of hope inside me. I walked down the street and went home. As soon as I sent inside my flat, my elder brother was standing in front of the door probably waiting for me and then embraced me into a tight hug. I looked at him curiously , I had never seen him so much happy.

"Hamzaa ? You know what?" He moved back and gave me a wide smile. I had no idea what just happened.

" What?" I asked , I was damn curious to know.

" Sara accepted my proposal and so did her parents !" He said and hugged me back again!

Sara has use to work in his shop with him. He had use to to say her a Co-Manager of the shop, but she left since her parents wanted her to get married and spend more time in house work. She belongs to a normal family, like neither poor nor wealthy. As compared to us her family was in crisis and she was not their only daughter , they had three other daughters who were unmarried probably they were are too young to get married. Sara is the eldest among them and was supporting her family. But her parents wanted her to get married happily and have better future. Usman bhai ( Hamza's elder brother) never told me he proposed her, but he has use to talk about her alot when it was her first day at the shop.

" When did you proposed her?" I asked , he was sitting on the sofa opposite the Television. I was sitting at the other two seater , still couldn't believe what he had said.

" Umm... A week ago" He said smiling like an idiot. I threw a pillow at him and he bursted out laughing.

"But how ? Directly? What about her parents?" I stared at him and he walked to me , sat next to me and smiled , seriously he looked stupid and different.

" I'm laughing at your expression, look at your face... Okay okay stop looking like that! ... I .... Umm... Asked my friend's mother to go with the proposal at her house " He said , he looked like he was about to explode with happiness , his face was a little red and kept on smiling due to which his dark circles weren't visible. He had fair skin like me but he had grown a beard , his face is long unlike mine. His eyes are grey , I'm literally jealous of his eyes. He's muscular like me but he doesn't have abs.

" Which friend?"

" You know Abbas? He is the owner of 'Florida ' The shop next to mine, we have been hanging out since a long time , I even met his mother when he invited me to dinner ... Ahh you? You always excused that your too tired to go anywhere ! If you remember! "

" I remember, and yeah I know him. He's jolly and quite phyco"

He laughed and stood up.

" He sure is" He said and walked to his room.

My cell vibrated in my pocket , there was a text ...

From: Maha
"Mah La De College"

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