Wedding I

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Waking up with swelled eyes , I dragged myself to the washroom and then walked downstairs. Mom was talking to someone on her cellphone, she l ooked worried and kept on walking here n there.

I had slept in my uniform, yeah the same old white kameez and white pants and white stole. While talking on the cellphone , when mom caught her eyes on me she glared and dropped the call.

I stood there bewildered at her expression.

What did I do? It's not my fault! I did nothing!

She came to me breathing heavily and wiped the tear on her cheeks with her wrist.

"Do you know what everyone is saying?" She said , she was crying as her tone was low and sad.

I just looked at her, I didn't knew what to say or do. I guess I know what they are talking about me. I just kept on thinking until she shouted.

"Who was he?! You knew him! You knew him! And most probably something happened between you and him! I ...dont know who the hell he was! But you know him na? .....How can you do this to us? I believed you! You could have asked us !.... We would have talked to his parents and get you married to him but....... why did you did all this drama just to be with him! Like..... who knows what you guys have done .. You..."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! STOP! STOP! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SAYIN? STOP! PLEASE! ENOUGH! How can you believe what people are saying?! Since when did they mattered over me! Do you even know what your saying?.. I don't  God what... I.. "  After hearing what she said , I bursted into tears and then I shouted back , something I had never done in my whole life! My voice must have reached the neighbors as well! As I shouted back.. I felt like someone hit me with a dragger in my stomach , the pain reached my brain and eventually I was screaming with pain!

I was crying out loud until there was a blackout.

I woke up at the hospital, the doctor who was standing beside me said "Alhumdulillah" and then sighed. He left the room while the nurse smiled and removed my bangs from my forehead. 

What just happened? I was at home then ....

I got the flashback of what had happened, as soon as my mom's words hit my head, what happened at school and that letter certifying me 'EXPELLED' YEAH I GOT EXPELLED FROM SCHOOL.. the machine beside me started making different sounds.

My head ached and my stomach pain started again. The nurse immediately called he doctor , he looked at me and indicated something to the nurse.  She came back with an injection which was injected at soon as she brought it and then after a few minutes of struggle to stay awake, I was asleep again.

Hamza's Pro

The arrangement s, food and everything went successful. My brother was finally married and happy. Hopefully he won't snore from now on !

I think I should tell Aleena , she would be happy to hear about the wedding !

To: Soon to be Wife
Message: Salam!  My Bro got married! ;)

I waited for her text until I couldn't wait more and I called but her mobile went switched off. I had a feeling something was wrong and then just to assure everything was okay,
I texted Maha.

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