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When I got home I went straight to take a shower. Showers always helped me calm down and today was an interesting day it was it was my first day at my new school and I bet the cities bad boy. There was something interesting about the boy named Harry Styles. But I wouldn't let my curiousity get the best of me it happen one with him. And I don't want it to happen to me again.

When the hot water hit my back it felt like all my problems have slipped away but nothing could stop my mind from wondering to the beautiful human with the green eyes that had hidden secrets behind them.

After I got out of the shower I put my short shorts and my sports bra and my nike tennies shoes.I ways like to dress like this when I'm home alone cause it's very comfortable. While I make my way down stares I hear my phone ring and I go see that's a message.

Unknown: "You should really close ur windows you never know who's watching"

I didn't understand the text so I just bloe it off cause it must be a prank anyways. There was a kock at the door.

when i went to open the door there he stood the boy that was on my mind all day and the boy i made a promise to stay away from him.

I gave him a weird look and when he finally looked up into my eyes i asked him "what are you doing here?''

"Don't get too excited princess i came here cause my mother told me to see who were the neighboors were" he said coldly.

"Umm ok? well i guess you already know my name and i live with my mom only cau-"

"I i didnt ask for your life story princess i just came so my mother wouldn't yelll at me and she comes over later and asks you if i came over and said welcome you say yes that i came and and welcomed you very nicely got it princess?"

I didnt get why he had to be rude he doesnt even know me and he cant even me rude to me when he doesnt know me. "Ok watever if thats all you can leave now."

When i was about to close the door something was bloicking the way from me doing that. When i looked down there was a black all convers blocking the way. I look up and gave Harry a questioning look."May i help you with somneting else?"

Dont use that smart mouth with me also this wont be the last time you will see me princess take care." he turned around without another word and he was off.


I kept thinking about what Harry told me in the afternoon when he said that it wasnt the last time i will see him. Here was something really hiden under all that darkness known as Harry Styles and i want to find out what it is but i know its not going to be pretty and i already made a promise to stay away from him. But there was something about him that I wanted to know the real Harry Styles not the one he shows to other people. After thinking too hard it was alread 10 at night and i needed to go to sleep cause I already know that it will be a long day. Iwent up to my room plug in my phone to its charger and layed down until darkness too over and i was out.

The promise// Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now