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~Nikki's Pov~

"You're at table 6." The restaurant worker said as he showed me and Chris to our table.

"Thank you" I said as Chris pulled out my chair for me. The restaurant worker handed us menus as I sat down.

"Hope you enjoy your evening!" The restaurant worker said and walked away.

"So what do you think you want to eat tonight?" I asked Chris while scanning the menu.

"I don't know, Shrimp maybe." He said as he. had his finger on the menu as he read. "What about you?"

"The angel hair pasta topped with caviar!" I said as I closed my menu. I will also drink black coffee, and for an appetizer salad. Finally for dessert, ice cream!" I said slamming my menu on the table.

Chris looked at me and chuckled. "Yeah I'm getting Tenderloin tips, twice baked potatoes, a glass of water, breadsticks for an apatizer, and ice cream for dessert." He said laying his menu on top of mine.

For the past five minutes we talked about our day till the waitor came to take our order. Chris ordered our food and went to make my salad at the salad bar. "I know what you like!" He smiled. He came back with everything I like on my salad. "Told you!" he chuckled.

I then began to think Niall was wrong. If he knows all this and is so smiley there is no way he will break up with me. "Thank you!" I said as I began to eat my salad while the waiter gave Chris some breadsticks. It was cute watching him eat breadsticks.

"So do you like your salad I made you?" He asked smiling.

"It's perfect! You make a very good salad!" I said with nh mouth full of lettuce and other vegetables.

He chuckled. "I knew you would." I finished my salad just as soon as our food arrived. "Oh boy, that looks good!" Chris said as he grabbed his fork and steak knife. He took a bite of his tenderloin tips, and twice baked potato but it must of been hot because he took a huge gulp of water and put his silver ware down.

"I stared at my huge plate of angel hair pasts with caviar on top. It looked good. "So you wanted to tell me something?" I asked Chris as I folded my hands in my lap and looked at him stare at his plate.

"Oh yeah. Um... There's no easy way to say this..." He said in a depressing voice like someone just died. He began to blink a lot which he did when he was nervous. "Ok um.... Look Nikki, I think we should break up." He said but looked at his food.

I giggled. "Funny joke!" I said. "But seriously don't joke like that."

"Um.... I'm not exactly joking." He said as he lifted his head up a little but still didn't look at me.

"What?" I said as clenched my hands in a fist.

"I've been seeing this girl Taliah and well we became very close. I just think we weren't meant to be. I'd like to break up with you." He said finally making eye contact with me.

"You're breaking up with me because you met someone else! Let me guess she's flawless and is much prettier than me too!" I shouted as I stood up.

"Well yeah I met someone else, but she not exactly perfect he said blushing.

"Really! REALLY!" I shouted again. People were beginning to stare but I didn't care. "Niall was right about you! I didn't believe him, but now I wish I did!!!"

"Um... Nikki, people are staring." He said looking around.

"Good 'cause I don't want them to miss this!" I shouted as I shoved my plate of pasta in his face. The plate fell on the table but there was pasta and caviar all over his face. "You can also pay the bill too BITCH!!!" I shouted as I stormed out of the restaurant with tears flowing down my cheeks."


~Niall's Pov~

My phone vibrated and I sighed as I read it.. "What's up Niall?" Louis asked as he sat one couch in the basement watching Tv.

"It's Nikki, she texted me 'Chris dumped me for another girl, so I shoved a plate of pasta and caviar in his face!'" I said as I looked at the text message again.

Louis chuckled a little. "Well it's good she shoved the plate in his face!"

"Yeah." I chuckled. "Except she's taking it worse than I thought she would."I said putting my phone away.

"Don't worry. I'm sure she will be fine!" Louis said changing the channel.

"Yeah but... I can't stand girls with broken hearts!" I said looking at the ground.

"Especially Nikki!" Harry said as he walked down the basement steps.

"Haha! very funny Harry!" I said as I walked up to him and slapped the top of his head, messing up his hair.

Harry rubbed his head where i hit him and sat next to Louis. "She texted me too. I feel bad for her, but glad Chris got a face full of little fish eggs and pasta!"

"Yeah, She texted me saying she's almost home so I'm going to comfort her for a while." I said as I began to walk towards the basement stairs.

"Ooooooo Niall's going to ask Nikki out on a date and try to make her his girlfriend!" Harry said laughing.

"Harry get out of here!" Louis said pushing Harry's head hoping he would leave.

"Fine what ever!" He said as he darted up the steps and through the door. I waved to Louis and went upstairs.

just as I got out of the basement Nikki opened the door and I could her her sobbing. I immediatly ran to her and gave her a hug. "I should of listened to you Niall! I'm so stupid! He said she was pretty and flawless. What's wrong with me!" She said as she pushed me away and ran up to her room.

Just when she slammed her room door I was going to go up the steps to her room till someone grabbed my shoulder. "No Niall, I got this. I will calm her down then you can talk to her." Louis said looking in my eyes.

I nodded and watched him go up the steps and enter her room. A tear escaped my eye but I quickly wiped it away. I hated that her boyfriend cheated on her. My heart ached seeing her suffer. "Why did she date such a jerk?" I whispered to myself wishing she never met Chris.

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