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~Nikki's Pov~

Me and Niall kissed right there by the water fountain! People took some pictures, and once our lips touched a shock rushed through my body. I opened my eyes and looked into his. He was blushing, but I was probably blushing too. I then grabbed his head and kissed him again. This time the shock was stronger. I didn't see but I think his eyes were open wide with surprise, but he then held me close.

After a few seconds the kiss ended and we sat there staring at each other, smiling. I felt better, in fact I was glad I broke up with Chris now. I realized What I needed was in front of me. The love of My life is Niall! I was daydreaming till I heard Niall's voice.

"Maybe we should go home." Niall said blushing.

I giggled. "Ok!" I said grabbing his hand and holding it tight. My hand fitted perfectly inside his and I felt good when I was there with Niall. He stood up and helped me up. I was a little wet, but not too wet. Niall pulled my arm and held me close against his body, and wrapped his arms around me like Louis did when he comforted me, but Niall held me closer and tighter.

I looked up at him and into his beautiful blue eyes. I saw he was no longer blushing, but smiling. He placed his lips on my forehead. He then began singing to me again. ♪I'm in love with you... and all your little things!♪

I began blushing again. "Oh stop it!" I said as a tear came to my eye. "You're making me cry, and making my mascara run!" I said quickly wiping the tear away.

"Ok." Niall said unwrapping his arms around me and grabbed my hands. He quickly gave me a little kiss on my forehead, and let go of one of my hands. "Let's go back home."

I smiled at him and began walking home with him. "Thanks. For making me feel better." I said. "You really make me happy."

"You make me happy too." Niall said looking at me as we walked down the side walk. "I never felt this way about another person, like the way I feel about you."

"Me too! all the other guys I dated I didn't seem to love like how I love you!" I answered him as we walked past the block and into my driveway.

My jaw dropped. Chris was standing on the front porch of my house with a bouquet of roses. I let go of Niall's hand and walked up to Chris. "What the hell are doing here Chris?!" I shouted in his face.

"Nikki, breaking up with you was the worst mistake of my life. Will you forgive me, and take me back?" Chris said handing me the roses.

"The roses are nice Chris and I'm flattered, but..." I said taking the roses.

"But what?" Chris said looking at me with consurn.

"You never acted like you loved me! At least Niall treats me like a real boyfriend should!" I shouted in his face.

"Does he now!" Chris said glaring at Niall. "Very well then. If he makes you happy." Chris said taking the roses from me and walked away.

When he left I leaned my back against the porch door and slid to the floor. I covered my face with my hands and put my head in my knees. Why did Chris have to be so difficult.


~Niall's Pov~

I saw Nikki slide to the floor and bury her head into her knees. I walked up to her and sat next to her. I placed my hand on her back and comforted her. Nikki wasn't crying she just seemed confused.

I got up and offered her hand. When she got up I hugged her. "It's getting late. Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure why don't we watch your favorite movie Grease!" Nikki said looking in my eyes. I smiled and walked in. No one was in the Tv room so the guys must of been in the basement.

"You know why don't we watch Hunger Games?" I asked as I picked up the Dvd case.

"sure." Nikki said as she sat down on the couch.

I put the Dvd in and turned the Tv on. I then sat next to her and grabbed her hand. She looked up at me and smiled.

We sat quietly during the movie but when Katness kissed Peeda Nikki laid her head on my chest and placed one of her hands on my shoulder and the other on my other on my chest. My heart began to beat at least 10 times faster and I was worried she could feel it.

I looked down at her and she looked up at me. "I'm glad it's you!" She said as she held me tighter. I then wrapped my arm around her. We were just about to kiss until someone startled us.

"Hey guys!" Harry said as he popped up behind the couch. "How's the movie? Is it good? Can I watch?"

"Um... Harry we want to be alone." I said blushing.

"Oh I see, you want to be alone... with Nikki... who is currently single... like you... and is close to you... and wants to be alone... with you-"

"We get it Harry now just leave!" I said as I glared at him.

"Ok, I'll let you two be 'alone' 'together'!" Harry said going back down stairs. Me and Nikki then went back to watching the movie.

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