Chapter 2

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I wake up in Katy's arms and just sigh pleasantly at how lucky I am to have Katy back and call her mine, once again. Seriously, I'm never going to let her go. If she has to go on tour, I'll go with her, I'll do anything to make this relationship work out. I tighten my grip around her, feeling her soft breath on my neck and I just cherish this moment.

"I'm never letting you go again." I mumble into her hair, I look up and notice that she's smiling with her eyes closed, she must've heard me or she's having a good dream. I then realise that Katy's car is still inside the parking lot of Walmart, I should probably remind her about that, but I decide to not wake her up, because she looks so beautiful right now. I really need to pee but I don't wanna ruin this moment, I untangle myself from our embrace that we slept in, trying to not wake her up at the same time and I manage to do it in around 10 seconds. I quietly go downstairs and I decide to treat Katy the way she should be treated; make her breakfast in bed! I get all the ingredients for what I'm gonna make her and start right away.

I get out two eggs and put the on a pan that's on the stove, while I'm waiting for them to cook I put two pieces of bread in the toaster. After the eggs are cooked and the bread is toasted I combine them together on a plate, while boiling the kettle to make Katy a coffee. In the mean time I make myself an egg and put it on a separate plate. Once the coffees done I put the plate that has the two eggs on toast onto a tray along with some cutlery and carefully walk up the stairs with my egg on another plate in my other hand. When I make it up there I sigh in relieve that Katy's still sound asleep but I'm also sad, because I have to wake her up. I gently put the tray on my desk on the opposite side of my room along with the plate that has my egg on it, for the meantime and lie down next to Katy and hug her tightly.

"Katy..." I say softly and she stirs a little, moaning from being woken up.

"I've got a surprise." I say and her eyes slowly open, I quickly get up and grab the tray of food, resting it down on her lap and her eyes go wide-eyed.

"John.... Thank you so much. Your the best." She says in her cute morning voice making me smile at her while she gives me a hug being careful not to spill all of the ingredients on the tray on the bed. I pull out of our embrace and look down at her and slowly put my lips on hers, unsure of how she'd react. She starts kissing me back and I feel all of these feelings of love for her, I just can't explain it, I feel like crying in happiness that I have someone like her in my life.

"What are you going to eat?" She asks after we stop kissing. "I can share you know..." She says shyly but it's so cute.

"I made myself an egg." I say nodding in the direction of my desk, where the plate that holds my egg and cutlery is. She nods her head, comprehending what I said. I get up and get my breakfast and sit right down next to her and we both dig in.


"John... Seriously it's so sweet that you made me breakfast in bed, I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend." She says cutely as we sit down on my dark grey cotton couch our hands still held together.

"Boyfriend hey?" I ask just to tease her, and it works as I see her blush.

"Yeah." She smiles and kisses me on the lips for a few seconds.

"Whatever you say..... Girlfriend." I smirk and she blushes even more making me chuckle slightly.

"So what are we gonna do today?" She asks, swinging our linked hands.

"Hmmm I don't know, maybe we could go shopping and then maybe I can take you out for a romantic dinner?" I suggest and she eagerly nods her head.

"That sounds great, I love shopping." She squeals and I chuckle at her reaction.

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