Chapter 3

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Oh my god. This can't be happening, but it is. I look over to see Russell talking to another woman and I can't stop the hot tears pouring out of my eyes. That man broke my heart, I still can't believe that he would do that to me. I feel like when I was with him, he had this kind of control over me where I was blinded by seeing the man that he really was. Still, even after over 3 years I still have feelings for him. I still love him, and I can't help it, I hate it how I still do. Every time I think of him it brings tears to my eyes, every time I look at my Sanskrit tattoo that we got together I feel like bursting into tears. It's weird because I love him and I hate him at the same time, but I love John more.

I look over at John to see him holding his head in his hands, looking down. I don't even know what to do because I don't want Russell to notice us, yet I still want to enjoy a nice dinner with my boyfriend. He pulls his head out of his hands and gets up from his spot and comes over to sit next to me (they're in a booth meant for four, so there's room for two on each sides). He gives me a hug and hides me from Russell just in case he looks over.

"It's gonna be okay, baby." He whispers into my ear, I respond only with a quiet sniff; I'm still lost for words.

"Let's get out of here." He suggests and I nod in agreement. We hop out of the booth, avoiding Russell's table until we hear something.

"Katy?" A thick British accent asks from behind. I turn around, scared to face him. He stands there his date sittings down on her phone doing something. I slowly nod, my lower lip quivering which he obviously notices along with my tears that are starting to dry up. John just stands there protectively at my side, not saying anything and I'm glad for that; he looks like he's about to punch Russell.

"Yes?" I ask in a quiet voice.

"It's good to see you." He says, acting as if we never ended on a bad note, I'm disgusted in him.

"Ummm." Is all I manage to get out, I can't exactly reply "good to see you too ex hubby!" Because it's not good to see him.

"Why haven't you answered my calls?" He asks, stepping closer to John and I. We both take a step away, but in the meantime I finally grow some balls.

"Hmm, let me think..... You divorced me over text how do you think you'd feel if you were me? Answering your calls wouldn't be my first priority." I spit out and he looks shocked at my sudden outburst. Most people in the restaurant stop what they're doing and look towards us, Russell's date included.

"You haven't changed one bit, Kate." He says in his British accent which I can't stand, I feel like vomiting.

"Don't call me Kate." I reply angrily.

"I can do what I want." He says, folding his arms and looking at me with raised eyebrows. I can't believe how childish he's acting. I feel John stiffen next to me and then take a step forward.

"Look man, just leave her alone. Don't you think you've caused enough damage?" John asks, and I'm now thankful that he stepped into this.

"And who's this little guy? Are you going to marry him, Kate?" He asks teasingly and I roll my eyes at how stupid he's being.

"Well if one day I will, I'm sure he'll actually mean it when he says that he loves me." I reply angrily. I look at him and see that he's lost for words, I grab John's hand and quickly get out of the restaurant tears falling out of my eyes and hitting my warm skin. Once we're outside I let go of John's hand and run towards his car, thankful that there's no paparazzi at this time. He unlocks the doors with his keys and I quickly open up the passenger door and jump in, slamming the door behind me. John gets in a few seconds later and sighs, not starting the car.

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