Chapter 6

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John's POV

Im so glad that I'm spending the whole day with katy, I missed her heaps even though it has only been a few days since that I last saw her. I'm also glad that she's still not upset about that whole Russell situation, it literally kills me to see her sad..... It feels like someone's stabbing me in the heart thousands of times.

I decide to go upstairs and get changed myself, katy's been up there for over ten minutes and I'm sure she would be dressed by now.

"Katy?" I call in a confused tone when I walk into my room to find nobody there.

There's no reply either, I just shake it off and think that she's in the bathroom or something. I step into the walk in wardrobe and my eyes go wide when I see Katy.

"Oh, Katy.... You scared me. I didn't see you there." I chuckle slightly but stop when I look up to see katy looking at me with hurt and red blue eyes. I quickly rush over to her and cup her face I my hands."A-are you okay katy?" I stutter out nervously as she avoids my eye contact. She shakes her head and looks away. She pulls out of my grip and turns her whole body away from my own. This is what I mean, my heart is getting shattered into pieces right at this very moment.

"I'm so stupid..." She trails off and let's out a sniff, definitely catching my attention. I rest my hand on her shoulder and turn her around to face me again and she looks away from my gaze, suddenly finding her bare feet interesting.

"No you aren't, baby. Where did you get that idea from?" I ask, absolutely having no idea why she's acting this way in the first place.

"Don't call me that!" She yells, catching me off guard as she takes a step away from me.

"Please.... Just tell me what I did. Talk to me Katy." I beg in a pleading voice, my brown eyes looking into her blue ones that are still filled up with tears.

"You... You slept with someone else..." she trails off and I look at her in confusion, my eyebrows furrowed.

"What? No I didn't, where did you get that idea from?" I chuckle, there's no way I'd do that to Katy. Besides, I love katy and I'm never going to loose her again."I love you Katy, I don't know how many times I have to tell you. No one can replace you, I won't allow it." I add and she finally gives me her whole attention.

"I don't know how you can explain this then, John." She sighs, pointing at something near my jeans. I step closer towards them and realise that she's pointing at a packet of condoms. How does that mean I'm cheating?

"I got those for us katy," I reply, smirking slightly and she still doesn't buy it, even though it's the truth.

"But I told you when we were together last that I was on birth control." She shoots back quickly, obviously knowing that I would've said that.

"I didn't know if you still were or weren't so I got these just in case." I explain and she looks at me curiously.

"How am I meant to believe you John, there's been so many people betraying me lately I don't know who to believe," she says, her voice sounding sad and broken.

"Well you trust me right? This is the first time you've ever lost my trust and you don't even know if I cheated on you. Just think, there is that little chance that you're just overreacting and that I bought these for you and not for anyone else. Besides, why would I want anyone else when I have you? You're the love of my life Katy an that will never change." I say softly and I pull her closer to me and I kiss her lips feeling her soft skin on my own. I pull out and smile contently."Are we okay now?" I ask slowly and she giggles, wiping under her eyes.

"Yea, I should've trusted you. I feel like an idiot for thinking that you'd do that. Anyway, let's go and swim!!" She says happily, I swear to God this woman is a bipolar, but I love her.

"wait....  I've still got to get changed, silly." I chuckle before heading further into the walk-in robe. I start to get undressed and she covers her eyes with her hands squealing like a teenager.

"John! Wait for me to leave!!" She says between fits of giggles.

"Ha. There's nothing you haven't seen before." I chuckle and she blushes before walking out on the room in embarrassment.

Once I'm dressed in some black board shorts I walk downstairs to find Katy, to my surprise she's just in the kitchen on her phone, frowning at something.

"What's up?" I ask as I look over her shoulder to see what's on her phone. It's a magazine article saying that Katy's pregnant."Why are you reading that? It's not worth your time, Katy." I remind her and she sighs while turning off her phone.

"Mhm." She mumbles before saying,"C'mon, I'm really hot in here and I really want to swim." She giggles and grabs my arm, practically dragging me out onto the deck outside.

Now it's my turn to grab her hand, I pull her into the pool with me making her squeal before we both ascend back up.

"John!" She squeals while splashing me with water, I just stand there and admire her cuteness. I still can't believe Katy is with me, she's so perfect.

"Whoops." I laugh and she chuckles.

"I guess that's karma from yesterday when I pushed Taylor in." She giggles and I raise my eyebrows.

"Wait... Taylor?" I say in a confused voice, our body's are really close together and I decide to close the little gab that was there by pulling Katy in.

"Yeah, we sort of made up. I posted a selfie with her on Instagram, I thought you saw it." She explains.

"Oh, well I barely go on Instagram anymore." I say and go under water and swim towards the little waterfall. Katy follows my and once she comes back up from under, she pulls my hands making me come closer. I brush my lips over hers before kissing her tenderly, she wraps her hands around my neck and deepens the kiss.

I pull out and look up to see her smiling,"I love you." She says cutely and I kiss her again, smiling into the kiss.

"I love you too Katy.... Don't ever doubt that." I sigh and those blue eyes that make me melt everyday, look into mine.

"I...won't...ever...again." She mumbles between small kisses on my neck. I pull her away and look into her eyes before wrapping my arms around her, pulling her even closer to me. I feel her soft breath on my neck and it makes me shiver, I kiss her neck before she rests her chin on my shoulder.

A/N: AWWW I'm dying writing this !! I really want jaty to come out at some special event, maybe the VMA'S or something <3.

Just wondering, do you think I should add an explicit scene?

Btw, sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer.

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