Chapter 11

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1 week later

Katy's POV

It's been about four days since that we went to the hospital to have a check up and to see how everything is going and the doctors said that I couldn't be any healthier which I was so thankful for. John has moved into my home now so we're living together, which makes things a lot easier.

Today John and I are going to his family home in that they just moved into here in LA and his whole family will be there. We're going to tell them the news about my pregnancy. Hopefully they'll take it well...

"Are you ready Katy?" I hear John call from downstairs.

"Yep! I'll be down in five." I reply loud enough for him to hear. I fix up my hair, leaving it out once again and then turn on my heels and walk downstairs. (A/N: sorry I keep on doing this but imagine that Katy's wearing that outfit in the photo up there ^^) I sling my Chanel bag - the one that John got me the other week when we went shopping over my shoulder before I'm greeted by John once I'm downstairs.

"I'm ready when you are." I smile and he smiles back.

"Well I'm ready so lets go!" He replies happily and we walk outside of my house and hop into my Audi.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine just tell me where to go to get to their house." I say and he types it in on the GPS.

I follow the directions to John's house, using the GPS and in no time we're pulling up right in front of John's parents house.

"Hopefully they'll take this news well." I sigh as we walk up the steps to their front door.

"They will don't worry." He chuckles and kisses me on the lips before he knocks on the door. A few seconds later his mom that I've met maybe 2 or 3 times answers with a huge smile on her face.

"John! How are you?" She squeals happily and embraces him in a tight hug. I giggle at how cute she is.

"I'm great, mom." He chuckles and her smile gets even bigger when she turns to face me.

"Katy, it's been a while. It's good to see you again!"

"It's good to see you too, mrs. Mayer." I giggle as she hugs me before we walk into the house and greet everybody inside.

A few minutes later John and I take our seats next to each other at the huge dining table, our hands latched together.

"When will we tell them?" I whisper so only he can hear.

"We'll tell them just before we start eating." He informs me, kissing my neck. I look up and see Ben, John's younger brother looking at us with a frown. What's his problem...? I just shake it off and kiss John on the lips instead.

"Here it is!" John's mom says, handing everybody plates filled with steak and salad.

"This looks great, thank you." I say politely and she smiles. Everyone sits down and just before we start eating, John gets everyone's attention.

"Uh guys, Katy and I have an announcement to make." He says, standing up and I follow his actions.

"What is it, son?" John's dad asks and I hold John's hand tighter, suddenly a wave of nervousness washing over me. I take this as my Que. to start talking.

"I'm...I'm pregnant." I stutter out and everyone gasps then congratulates us. Ben catches my attention as I see him shake his head and walk out of the room. John notices too.

"That's great news guys!" John's mom exclaims and everyone starts chattering to us about the baby.

John's POV

I watch as Ben exits the room with no emotion on my face and furrow my eyebrows, what's up with him. I notice that Katy noticed too because she gives him a confused look that he ignores.

"I'm gonna go and see what's up with him." I inform Katy quietly and she nods her head. I get up off my chair and walk through the hallway that I saw Ben walk through. I turn a corner and spot him pacing back and fourth in the hall.

"Ben what's up? Why did you walk off like that?" I ask calmly and he looks up at me, scratching the back of his neck.

"Nothing, I just wanted to get away from everyone. I'm feeling a bit sick." He shrugs and I can tell that he's lying terribly. The first thing that comes to mind is that he doesn't like Katy. I push him up against the wall while grabbing fistfuls of his shirt.

"You liar! Don't lie to me! What's your problem?!" I hiss and he looks away and sighs, surprisingly looking calm even though he's pushed up against a wall.

"John you won't understand, I don't want to ruin our relationship." He huffs and I roll my eyes.

"Spit it out! Tell me what's going on because it looks to me that you don't like Katy." I say frustratedly before letting go of him and he moves away from the wall.

"You're going to regret wanting to know John, it's a really big deal." I look at him with curiosity, wanting to know really bad what's going on.

"Just tell me. It can't be that bad." I say impatiently and he looks at me directly in the eye.

"Fine. You asked for it." He huffs and I give him a nod for him to continue. "Well..I kind of have feelings for Katy." He blurts out and I take a step back and look at him angrily.

"Well she's mine!" I say, not knowing exactly how to handle this situation. This is literally the  last thing I thought he was going to say. I thought he hated Katy.

"I know, you asked me to tell you what was going on and there it is." He states and I just turn around and storm off, tugging at the roots of my hair. Should I tell Katy?

I sit back in my spot that I was in before and Katy gives me a questioning look.

"Well...what did he say?" She asks curiously and I shake my head, deciding that it's best to not tell her the truth.

"Nothing. He just wanted to get out of the crowded room." I lie horribly and she notices but doesn't press me any further which I'm thankful for.

"Mhm." She raises her eyebrows, letting me know that she doesn't believe me one bit.

Katy's POV

Ugh why doesn't John trust me with anything?! Something's going on that I know has to do with me.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I huff and get up of my chair and walk towards the bathroom, my hands in fists by my side. As soon as I walk into the hallway that leads to the bathroom I bump into someone.

"Sorry.." I say looking up and realising that I just bumped into Ben.

"So, he told you?" He asks slowly and I give him a confused look.

"Told me what?" I ask, frustrated that I'm oblivious to what's going on right before my eyes.

"That I have feelings for you Katy, I'm so sorry." He sighs and I freeze, my face turning pale.

"What....?!" I say in a surprised voice my eyebrows furrowed.

"I can't help it, I always have as soon as I met you.." He explains and I clench my jaw together, angry that John didn't tell me what was actually going on.

"Uh..okay." I step around him, not knowing what I should say. He grabs my arm before I start walking and his brown eyes look into mine.

"Ben...I'm with John. I'm sorry but I love him, not you." I sigh just letting it all out and letting him know that I don't want to be with him.

"I know, I know okay. Just let me..." He trails off and before I even have time to react, his lips are on mine.

A/N: OMG CLIFF HANGER I'll try to update later today since that I'm sick and that I'm just going to be laying in bed all day. Don't forget to vote!

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