Chapter 3- Gabe Ugliano

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OK so I only just thought of this but every other chapter is going to be about a character and how Percy met them like Gabe, the first chapter was about Percy and the fifth chapter may be about someone else too. I want to try this out...Hope you don't mind...

How Percy Jackson met Gabe Ugliano was weird to say the least.

When he first met Gabe in the foster place where he was the guy was actually nice and wasn't fat and had some hair on his head, wig I bet.

But when they got home was when Gabe showed his true colors of being a world class jerk and overtime he gain lots of weight, took of the wig that showed his pretty much bald head, and well, was a jerk to say the least.

Percy only puts up with the beatings and place because he really has no where else to go and if he really wanted to he would just leave and live on the streets, staying in abandoned buildings, stealing some books to keep his education up, and just pick pocketing.

Gabe Ugliano seems to be fatter than a whale

He wears stinky clothes

He plays poker all day and drinks beer

He sleeps on the couch when he gets wasted

When he's wasted is when the worst beatings come from

Percy get worse beatings pretty much everyday when he's home

Percy barely goes 'home'

Percy can't even call that place his home cause it's not

A home is where a safe place is and where people who love you and protect you, not a drunk, beating, old sot.

Percy deep down really wanted a place to call home

He never stuck in a place for more than a year and the people never loved him...

He also wanted a father and mother and someone to call family

Gabe was definitely not a father or family

The guy could barely put on deodorant without failing.

Or maybe take a shower

He definitely smells like he doesn't do either of those things

Does he even know what a shower is?

What about what deodorant is?

Percy really wished that the foster home did a background check on the people they give kids too.

Maybe they do just not to him

They don't really care about him

Gabe could be a murder for all the foster home cares about but no Percy Jackson can go home with a murder and they still wouldn't care.

Percy Jackson really wanted to use his dead powers and kill Gabe but then he would just be shipped off to another old sot who loved beating kids into submission.

Percy was never the submission type

He loved to rebel

Percy Jackson also wished he never met Gabe because if he had to say that Gabe was worse than all other people. Not combined of course but still Gabe gives him more beating regularly than other foster people did.

Percy Jackson hoped Gabe would rot in hell.

So I hoped you like this and I should hopefully update soon but my family is going to do something today for a couple of hours and I don't know when I will be able to update again but I definitely will tomorrow and hopefully today...

12 Year Old Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Avengers) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now