Chapter 10- Gabe's Arrested?

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Just saying this is Clintasha cause they're just that awesome and I'm not to happy with Marvel ruining that relationship.

Percy's P.O.V

It was a couple of weeks ago since I told Clint pretty much everything about my life, including powers, in return he told me about his.

So when there were men in suits I was actually very surprised. But what really shocked me was the Clint was also there to talking with a man with an eyepatch on his eye.

I walked over to them and tried not to panic too much. I walked over to Clint, "What's going on?" I asked warily and looked to the other man.

"Percy Jackson?" The man asked with authority in his voice that almost made me flinch because it sounds like I did something wrong and...well you get the point.

"Yeah?" I asked while looking between Clint, the pirate, and possible escape routes.

"Percy we know what Gabe's been doing and my boss is actually putting an end to it." Clint said while looking me in the eye as he was at my height.

"But doesn't that mean I'm back in the system." I said looking away, I really didn't want to go back into the system.

"Actually that is where Clint comes in, it seems that you two have bonded and it seems he wants to foster you and if possible adopt." The man pretty much grumbled in annoyance seeing how his top spy was not going to be available as he was.

I looked at Clint with shock, why would he want to help me? I mean no one has ever helped before. I got out of my shock but was still blinking rapidly but instead of saying anything I pretty much jumped Clint and pulled him in a hug, "Thank you." I whispered

I could pretty much tell he was grinning and hugged me back as the pirate left muttering about spy's going soft.

"Come on I want you to meet Natasha." Clint said

"Really?" I asked pulling out of the hug confused.

"Well at some point you're going to have to meet." Clint said with an eyeroll.

I smiled and him and pushed his shoulder lightly cause of the eye roll, "Come on Katniss let's met Peeta." I said joking.

"We're not dating. Clint said with exasperation

"Sure you're not you just spend all day together and watch each others back." I said with an eyeroll.

"We're partners." Clint said with the same amount of exasperation on how many times we had this conversation.

"I'm sure you are.' I said before grinning and trying to find Natasha while Clint sputtered in the background while watching me walk away with victory shining in my eyes.

12 Year Old Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Avengers) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now