Chapter 16- Home

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Percy's P.O.V

When I got to my room I thanked Natasha and made sure she left until I opened the door.

The room was huge and I didn't know how I felt about it. I mean I never had this large of a room. (Image above is about the size of the room and similar design.)

There was a fireplace and above it was a flat screen, off to the side was a shelf full of video games ranging from different game systems. Across the fireplace was a large queen sized bed with Navy blue covers.

Near the bed was a desk that had a computer on it but it was large enough that I could do my homework.

There was a set of open doors that lead to a small kitchen along with the area to the bathroom and a small balcony to look out at the city.

I set my backpack containing my stuff next to the desk and explored the closet that already contained cloths inside it and school supplies.

I decided to first thing I wanted to do was a shower so I grabbed fresh cloths and made my way to the bathroom where I got shampoo and soap while turning the nob of the shower.

I stayed in there for what felt like the longest time enjoying the heat and actually feeling very clean. I got out, dried myself, and put on the new cloths. I walked back out and made a small sandwich.

After I finished the sandwich I guess it was time to go talk to the Avengers once more. I felt calmer though but there was always that underlining of worry.

I went to the elevator and Jarvis, still getting use to that, took me to the level that the Avengers were on.

"We are watching a movie." Tony declared couple seconds once I walked in. I shrugged and the Avengers picked out Pixels (Newish Movie that includes Adam Sandler. Trailer is above.). I never really watched movies but this one was about old video games and how Geeks turned heroes stuff like that. It was also about how video games came to life.

I actually had a nice time and relaxed, my worries melted away and I really enjoyed the movie. We actually watched a couple of movies, Despicable Me 1 & 2 along with Minions the Movie. I had a blast, we also watched Lion King 1, 2, and 2 and a half.

I was starting to fall asleep after a while and when I did I felt my body leaning then fell against someone else. I didn't care sleep was inviting.

I think I fell against Clint but honestly I wasn't to sure.

I heard debating and rustling, I thought I felt myself being picked up but that would just be very awkward in the morning. But I definitely knew I was picked up as when I was put down it was a soft comfy mattress and my head instant was buried in the pillow.

Sheets were pulled above me and I heard more hushed talking but I didn't hear anything else cause I was engulfed in darkness but not nice darkness. A nightmare darkness.

I woke up with a gasp. I tried to calm my beating heart and took deep breaths. I looked over at the clock and saw it was 5 A.M.

I shuddered as I thought of the dream I had, all the people who ever abused me in one room with me. Let's saw I was very scared. I felt my body but nothing hurt, it felt very real.

Deciding to take a shower hoping it would calm me I grabbed new cloths and took my shower. Once I was down I still wasn't going to sleep so I turned on a small lamp on my desk and started to work on the computer with science and theories.

I wanted to talk to someone but right now I didn't know any of them really and I didn't want to bother Clint. Deciding I was hungry I made some simple pancakes and grabbed some orange juice.

I took it back to the computer where I continued to work on stuff. It was around 7 A.M when I fell back asleep my head on the desk with my arms supporting it and the computer screen was black but the actual computer was on.

12 Year Old Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Avengers) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now