Chapter 27- Jason Grace

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Jason just thought Percy was just another goth at their school and was a punk.

What he didn't know was that Percy use to live with his foster parents before Thalia and him.

So it definitely came a shock to him when he found out.

But then he started to really get to know him, Percy Jackson was a sort of brother to him and it was nice. Sure his older sister worried about him but not as much as Percy did when he was doing something that Thalia might brush off as safe.

Of course it was sometimes annoying but it was also nice.

Jason really knew why Leo looked up to Percy because he only started to look up to Percy too, as a sort of older brother figure.

It was also nice that Annabeth came downstairs more often, actually talked to them. It was nice and she was also.

He knew his sister and her got along but she never really talked to him and now, now he sometimes wished Percy entered their life earlier so he could've known her better.

But right now he just wanted to get to know his family.

12 Year Old Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Avengers) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now