Chapter 14- Meeting the Avengers

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The Video above is parents of three children experimenting if their daughter would meet a complete stranger...


Here are the pairing so far that are a definite-








Nico (son of Hel)/Sally (Daughter of Ægir) (Norse Gods no Greek I said)

Percy is Solo (he thinks of Annabeth as a sister)

Now here is the voting part-

Should there be a Will/Annabeth pairing

Percy's P.O.V

I stayed on the Helicarrier with Clint and Natasha for a few days but today was actually the day that Clint was going to introduce me to the Avengers, he lives on the Avengers Tower thus Percy was also living there too.

I was nervous.

1/3 of me expected that no one can be this nice because of my past but the other 2/3 won with that maybe some people were nice and caring.

So I gathered my courage and made sure I had everything including something Leo gave me.

Speaking of Leo I did talk to him yesterday briefly and told him about what was going on and he was ecstatic.

I also told him why I was nervous but he just waved his hand and told me that these people truly were there for me and not like Gabe, even though he never met Gabe...

Actually Clint was going to do something awesome and that was I was going to the same school as Leo, but the downside was that Thalia, Jason, and Annabeth all went there too.

Well actually I was a grade ahead of them but Thalia...awkward conversations right there I tell you.

I learned that Thalia was 14 and in the same grade as me, 9th grade. Jason was 12 and in 8th grade. Annabeth was my age but in 8th grade. Then of course Leo was 11 and in 7th grade.

So I was nervous.

But today was the day I was going to meet the Avengers, I shouldn't worry about school right now.

I took a deep breath and met Clint at the hanger, "Do they know about me?" I asked him

"I mentioned you a few times and I informed Stark about your room but they know enough but not about Gabe." Clint said

I nodded, "And what about me moving around?" I asked

"No they don't know that, we thought it would be best for you to tell them." Natasha said walking into the room.

Even though I knew her for only a couple days I really liked her. Didn't actually have many foster moms more foster dads.

I nodded and in my head was thanking them for not telling them about me.

"Shall we go?" Clint asked getting into one of the Helicopters.

"Yeah." I said and got into the helicopter too.

"Then let's go." Clint said with a grin.

I managed a smile but mostly took to watching the windows as we were flying over New York and toward the newly built Avengers Tower.

We were there shortly and I was getting nervous again as dread was pooling in my stomach.

"Don't worry about it." Clint said with a reassuring smile and grasped a hand on my shoulder lightly.

"I think things too much sometimes." I said honestly

"Well then we should go before you think of more things." Clint joked and I smiled honestly already feeling better

"Let's go." I said gathering my courage and getting out of the helicopter when the butterflies returned to my stomach.

I sucked in a breath and let it out while following Clint into the Avengers Tower. Turns out it didn't take long to meet everyone because they were all by the door, except the god named Thor, "Guys this is Percy who is going to be staying here from now on." Clint said

"Why are we taking care of a kid again." Tony Stark asked with somewhat curosity.

"For me to know and you to find out later." Clint replied

"I'm Steve Rogers." The guy with blond hair and blue eyes while well built said walking up to me and inviting me to a handshake.

Reluctantly I shook his hand, his build kinda made me nervous a bit but I read about Captain America so hopefully what they say is true.

I smiled shyly and really wanted to disappear for a bit. Another fellow with brown hair and brown eyes while wearing nerdy glasses and a lab coat, I just knew we were going to get along well for some reason.

I smiled shyly and still took his hand hesitantly but I was starting to gain some confidence.

Tony Stark came walking over to me and placed his arm around my shoulders. I flinched and it seemed that they noticed but Tony didn't say anything and he said, "As you may know I am Tony Stark genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." He said

I moved swiftly out from under his arms while saying, "I'm aware of who you are and Percy."

"I'm going to show Percy to his room. Shall we Percy?" Natasha asked as she indicated her head to the elevator.

I nodded and smiled earnestly while I was being lead by Natasha I barely heard Bruce ask Clint a question but it was drowned out as we moved farther away and toward my new bedroom.

Ta Da here we go. An update(s)!

12 Year Old Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Avengers) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now