Chapter 4- The Home

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Percy's P.O.V

All the way home I was nervous, from the time on my watch I was late and Gabe made it very clear I had to be home by 6.

Does he even realize I'm 12 and just want to be away from the apartment?

Anyway it surprised me a bit when I went to open the door with my shaky hand that it was actually opened by Gabe standing there looking pissed but somewhat sober.

"Inside now." Gabe growled at me and the hand behind my back started to shake.

I would never admit it but I do have a problem with the people that abuse me, I am afraid of them to some degree.

I quickly went in to not disobey any more orders because I don't want to make it anymore worse.

But just as I was in the door closed and hands went around my neck and I found it hard to breath

"What did I tell you about being late." Gabe growled his eyes glowing with hidden rage and amusement as he watched me claw at his hands

"To not be late." I said

"And what did you do?" He asked tightening just a bit more to make me choke

"I was late." I managed

He let me go and I dropped to the floor breathing as much air as I could before a kick to my stomach.

It made me fall on my side but instead of grabbing the side that hurt I curled up in a ball as more kicks came and made sure to protect my head.

By the time he was done kicking me his mouth went near my ear and he whispered, "Don't be late again or you'll receive worse than this." With that he bent back and went away but before I could get up he threw a bottle above my head making the glass shatter and rain down on my.

Most of the shards landed in my hair and some cut my arm.


I uncurled myself from my protective ball and slowly tried to get up only to drop again as pain flared on my right side of my ribs.

Knowing better than to test my luck I sucked in a breath and slowly got up while closing my eyes as pain flared again to keep the tears in and slowly made my way to 'my' bedroom.

In my bedroom I sat on my bed and hissed from the pain that went through my body and slowly lifted up the right side of my shirt.

When it was high enough I could see many bruises that were black, blue, and some yellow. I was lucky I didn't break a rib and from the looks of it I probably almost cracked a rib.

I got the first-aide kit I kept near my bed and started to wrap my ribs up and made sure that it would heal.

This was going to make pickpocketing hard tomorrow but I can manage I hope, I kinda have to manage otherwise Gabe would most likely break another rib in a beating for not paying something or buying more beer.

I sighed and laid on my bed, happy that I already did my homework, I decided to go to bed extra early and moved so I wouldn't hurt my side and closed my eyes leaving some of the glass in on my body and just deal with it tomorrow morning.

Right now was time for bed and I was going to sleep.

I never noticed to blond I talked to earlier watching the whole scene with a neutral expression.

How was this? I liked it and I'm going to do fatherly Clint because Clint also had a bad childhood and he could somewhat relate to Percy and Bruce is also going to be more friend to uncle type because of his childhood...

12 Year Old Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Avengers) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now