Chapter 26- Siblings

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Percy's P.O.V

It was the next morning and I was wondering if Silena and Charlie actually told Jason and possible Thalia who I was.

But seeing how Jason was avoiding me I take it as a yes.

Leo strutted over to me, "They know and want you to come over for dinner." Leo said after a bit of rambling.

I put a hand on his shoulder, "Ok, I'll come and invite my foster father along too." I said with amusement dancing in my eyes.

"Why aren't you freaking out! I'm freaking out!" Leo said

"Because at some point they were going to have to know." I said leaning against the wall.

"Well you could've warned me." Leo said throwing his hands in the air aggited.

"Sorry?" I asked

"I have to go." Leo said with a frown.

"Bye." I supplied and watched as he walked off with a shake of a head with amusement shining in my eyes.

I grabbed my books and went to my own class. As I sat down Thalia sat down next to me, "So, you were the foster brother that Annabeth and Leo talked about?" She asked

I leaned against my seat relaxed, "That would be me." I said with a smile.

"So you coming for dinner?" Thalia asked with a raised eyebrow

"Yeah, I'll let my foster father know but we should be around 6." I said

Thalia was going to say something but her boyfriend came over, "Thalia what are you doing back here?" He asked

"Talking to Percy." She said and turned back to me, "So 6?"

"Yeah, we'll be there." I said and Thalia nodded and got out of the seat next to me while Luke was looking confused and possible jealous?

The school bell rang and the teacher strutted in and closed the door and a boring lesson started.

The rest of the day was boring, well at lunch I was picked on by Clarisse but the new girl Rachel scared her off and, against my request, ate lunch with me.

So I guess I got a new friend not entirely sure.

The day went slowly by and by the time it was 5:30 I was ready to leave waiting for Clint.

"Come on." I would later deny that I whined.

Clint chuckled as he opened his bedroom door, "Ok, ok, come on let's get going." he said as he wore a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt.

Minutes later we were outside the steps of my old home. I swallowed my nervousness as I rang the doorbell and stood next to, little bit behind, Clint.

Clint gave me a quick smile of reassurance as the door opened to reveal Leo.

"You actually came?" Leo said a bit shocked

I rolled my eyes, "Clint this is Leo." I said

"Nice to meet you Leo." Clint said kindly

"Oh uh, come on in." Leo said awkwardly and moved aside

"Thanks." I said smiling lightly nervousness crawling back into my stomach.

Walking toward the kitchen the butterflies in my stomach were telling me to turn around and get out of there.

Clint put his hand on my shoulder as if he read what I was feeling and I glanced at him feeling grateful and relieved.

It felt all too fast when we entered the kitchen and my breath was taken away as I saw Annabeth. She was more mature but she was definitely out of her coma, her grey eyes met mine and we both held our breath until she moved forward and I swept her into a hug.

We both stood there hugging each other with relief as she buried her head in my shoulder as I did the same with hers.

We both sagged with relief of seeing one another, I finally saw my sister again and she wasn't mad!

We hugged for a moment longer before I moved out and I looked at how grown she became. I pulled some of her hair back feeling tears pricking my eyes and I saw she also had some tears too.

I rubbed her cheek and pulled her into another hug, "What about me!" Leo said from the distant that made Annabeth and I laugh lightly and pulled him into a hug too.

The three siblings were reunited.  

12 Year Old Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Avengers) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now