Chapter 22- The Arrest

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Percy's P.O.V

Next day people gave me some looks as I walked into school. Blackeye shining a bit in the light.

Only I was use to these looks by now and wasn't worried, nervous, or any of those other emotions,

Instead I took down the hall and tried to find my locker. I was just arriving to said locker when I saw Leo, "What are you doing?" I asked him

"You said we could talk." Leo said

I thought about it, "We have the same lunch so instead of eating skip out and meet me outside by playground." I said

"Ok." Leo said twiddling something in his hands

"Whats that?" I asked him

"What? Oh, I've just been building this out of pocket junk." Leo said showing me a helicopter made up of nothing of Leo's pocket junk.

"Nice." I said, "keep working on it. I got to go, see yeah little bro." I said amused

We started to call each other brothers when we were living together and it just stuck.

"See you later big bro." Leo said also amused and started to run to get to his class on time.

I shook my head a smile on my face and grabbed items I needed then went to my first period class.

The classes were boring so by the time it was for lunch I nearly fell asleep in a couple of my classes because the teachers just kept talking and talking.

I yawned and walked out of my class and instead of going to the lunchroom I went toward the playground.

You need a ID badge to go in and out of the school if the doors are locked so I swept on of my teachers badges, pickpocketing is a bless of a learning skill, I used the badge and got outside where Leo already was.

Seeing how his class was already on the playground was nice.

Leo came over to me and pulled me away from the teachers and other sixth graders. I leaned against the wall, "What's up?"

"Are you okay?" Leo asked looking at my black eye with worried and scared eyes

I put a hand on his shoulder, "Relax, I'm fine. It'll be gone in a week and a half. Family doctor said so himself. I'm fine, okay?" I said to him

Leo nodded some, "Good, now why don't you show me that helicopter once more and I'll see about helping you." I said with a smile and Leo's face lit up.

He took out the helicopter and we both sat on the ground me helping him with some parts while he also commented. Eventually we got it to the point where it could somewhat fly without falling 10 seconds later.

After some time passes I checked around the building and saw that it was nearly time to go back inside, "I gotta go, bye bro." I said and messed Leo's hair.

"See you later Percy!" Leo said excitedly as I smiled and slipped out from the side of the building and back inside, grabbing an apple and milk before sitting down at the lunch table waiting for the lunch period to end.

The girl Thalia sat at my table, "Where were you?" She asked curiously

"None of your business." I said

"Was wittle Percy asking a teacher's help for something?" Clarisse asked with a sneer as she walked by the table Thalia and I were sitting at.

"Go away Clarisse." I said with a roll of my eyes

"Why if I don't is wittle Percy going to tattle tale on me." Clarisse taunted.

"No, I'll just tell the whole school that Clarisse La Rue is paterphobia." I said

(Paterphobia- Fear of fathers, or for Clarisse her father threatening, scolding, and punishing her)

"Whatever Prissy. " Clarisse said but I knew that what I said got to her a bit but she played it off.

After a bit of silence Thalia said, "You have got to tell me how you do that. And what is paterphobia?"

"rather not tell, if you really want to know, look it up." I said sliding out of my seat as the bell rang.

Rest of the day was boring, Thalia trying to get me to tell her what paterphobia was, Leo passing me in the hall and waving at me, Jason giving me the 'I'm watching you' look, me dodging Annabeth.

Overall it was a pretty good day in my books.

That was until the police arrived

Everyone was in awe as the police came and took care of the three 15 possible 16 year olds who sold drugs then going locker by locker to check which students may have drugs or what not.

I was glad right then that I, one have a lock on my locker, and two have a security system in my locker for anyone who may have opened it without my knowledge.

So obviously I was clean, drugs are bad. But apparently a guy on the football team that was Co-Captain had drugs with him and was immediately taken off football and suspended until further notice.

Other kids were also suspended and possible might be expelled to make an image to other students.

The students who did have drugs with them, their parents were called and the mothers cried while some fathers looked strict and angry, mothers holding their wives and some what crying with them as the kids looked extremely ashamed.

The kids who did have drugs on them shot me glares and the ones who didn't gave me some 'thank you' looks while others didn't know I had anything to do with it.

Truth was, it was all Clint and Natasha knowing that it was probably them who did this. Either way, I quickly left thru the back and onto the football field and onto the bleachers just lost in thought.

"I guess I owe you an apology for how I've been treating you." Jason said as he also slipped onto the bleachers

"You owe me nothing, it's just my guardians doing really." I said with a shrug

"Still owe you an apology." Jason said, "it's just that, you get along with Leo so well, and he doesn't really talk to me. I'm just a bit jealous alright. We're foster brothers and I don't even know his favorite color."

Without thinking I said, "Orange."

"See! That's exactly what I mean!" Jason said throwing his hands in the air frustrated.

I put a hand on his shoulder, "There is a reason I know a lot about Leo. If you really, really want to learn the truth about how I know him. Ask your foster parents, bring up my name and ask them what happened. I'm sure you'll find out then.

I'm also sorry for how I treated you and your sister but once you hear the story you'll understand. If Silena and Charlie don't answer your question then come to me. Ok?" I told him

"Ok." Jason said looking a bit happy to finally find out about the truth, "How can I find you?" Jason asked

"I'm assuming you have a phone but on this slip of paper is my new address and phone number." I said and handed Jason the slip of paper, "Now I got to go or my family will be worried about me. I hope we can get to know each other more soon." I told him with a smile and started to get up.

"I hope so too." Jason said and just before I could fully leave the bleacher I called back, "And tell your sister to look up the word she's been asking about. I wont tell her the answer and looking it up won't be the end of the world."

"You know my sister!" Jason called back

"I'm in some of her classes!" I shouted back leaving a gaping Jason behind and started to head home.

12 Year Old Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson and the Avengers) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now