Sweet Blasphemy

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   Andy and I were engaged in a conversation which will rarely happen we were either being fools or ,well ,being fools. "Spaghetti". "Tacos" Andy said smiling. "Have you been hanging out with Vic by any chance" I said. "Why would you say that" I said. "The last three foods you have said have been tacos, quesadilla, and enchilada" I said smirking. "Well I want Mexican food I is hungry" he said. "Well we can - " I was cut off by a groan. We both turned and looked at Blakely. "Hey Satan" she said. "Thy Anti-Christ has awaken" I yelled jumping up. "So what happened" she said. "Well you were in a car/motorcycle accident with Ashley and you have been in a coma for about a week or so" I explained. "A week?".

We asked the doctors when black could go home and they said in three days so they could "examine" her. We called Ashley and told him that she was awake and he has to ask Jake to bring to the hospital cause ya know he was basically broken.

When he got there Jake and Ashley gave Blakely a hug and Ashley laid in the bed with Blakely and we sat and talked. "So what did you guys do while I was laying here like I was dead" she asked. "Well I sat at home and ate ice cream all day" Ashley said. "I watched this fuckboy" Jake said. "I do nothing" Jinxx said shrugging his shoulders. "Andy and I sat here with you"  I said kissing Andy. "You guys have the most interesting lives" she said. "Yep" we all said in sync. "Oh no you and Andy didn't fuck in here did you" she said with a serious face. Andy and I looked at each other and started laughing. "No we sat here like logs" we said. "Have you guys even fucked" Ashley said. We both blushed and tried to hide it. "Ooohh Gracie and Andy sitting in a tree F-U-C-K-I-N-G" Blakely said. "You're so mature" Andy said. "I know"she said smiling. "Ok so I am gonna go home I want a real bed" I said. "Come on" Andy said. "Are you guys gonna fuck" Ashley said. "Can I kill him" I said. "You have my permission" he said. I ran over to Ashley and smack the back of his head. "Really" he said. "I would go to jail for murder if I killed you" I said grabbing Andy's hand and walking to the car. "Why are they idiots" I said. "Cause their mom's dropped them off a cliff hitting their heads down it" he said. "Knowing Blakely's mom she probably did".

When we got home I pasted the fuck out on the bed. "I missed you" I yelled into the pillow. "Well scoot over I am going the fuck to sleep" Andy said pushing me over. I made a strange seal like noise when we did. "Love you" he said. "Love you too". And off to sleep I went.

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