Chapter 27: Jr. Prom

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      I couldn’t believe it was the last month of eleventh grade. This year flew by in a blink of an eye. Tonight is Jr. Prom it was similar to prom but it wasn’t the prom. Says some people in our grade. There probably isn’t a difference. I can’t believe Rose is going with Max they make a cute couple though. Chelsea is going with a football player and I, of course is going with Jayden.

      I’m really relieved no one has saw Vince since the fight in October. Everyone thinks he moved or he was sent to jail for raping me. Also I realized Jordan has been leaving me alone I wonder if he finally realized it was his own fault he was sent to jail.

      Jayden hasn’t heard from his Aunt or Uncle since he got kicked out on his birthday. And even though my mom said he is welcome to stay as long as he wants, he is almost saved up for an apartment of his own. I really don’t want him to move from my house though. I like having his arms wrapped around me every night and him just being with me 24/7.

      School was let out early for the girls how wanted to spend hours on their hair. I wondered if guys just threw on a suit on the last minute then left to get their dates. I had a secret weapon. Adria. She said she would help me get ready and do my hair so I looked beautiful. I wonder if Elias and Jayden would just sit there for a while then put on their suits. Elias is going to prom also but theirs isn’t at the high school. Guys must have it so easy.

      Jayden smiled as we got into his car. “Ready to get all dolled up?” Jayden laughed.

      “Adria’s helping me so I know she’ll make me look good. “ I smiled.

      We drove home, I think prom started at 7:00 and ended 10:00, so we didn’t need to start getting ready that fast.

      I planned out my outfit with Adria in my room while the boys played video games down stairs. Figures. You could hear Elias screaming “Stop hitting old ladies and their dogs!” It made Adria and I laughed.

      6:40 came around real quick I was surprised to find out the boys were in there suits and ready to go. Jayden looked really handsome in a suit. My mom took a whole bunch of pictures before letting us leave.

      When we got to the high school everyone was getting their pictures taken. And when they were done they walked in. Jayden and I got our picture taken then we walked into the high school. The halls were decorated with silver and gold ribbon some were twisted and hung from the ceiling others were decorating the lockers.

      Jayden smiled when we got to the gym doors. “This is it” I smiled back at him taking his hand he pushed the doors open and the base of the music filled your heart. Girls were running around without their shoes on and guys were huddled in the corner talking. I hope Jayden wasn’t going to join them.

      When everyone was in the gym the music got lowered and the principle stepped up to the microphone. “Welcome to the 2011 Junior Prom” She smiled. Everyone cheered. “We really hope everyone has fun” The teacher walked away and the music blared again.

      “Unless the play The Silence Inside I’m not going to enjoy myself” Jayden laughed.

      “I don’t think anyone but you knows who they are” I laughed back.

      We meet Rose and Max near the refreshments bar. “Want to dance?”

       Rose asked Max. Max looked at Jayden, who looked down at me then back at Max.

      “I’ll go if you go” They both laughed. Typical boys.

      We walked out into the dance floor, where we found Chelsea and her date. They played some good songs but I knew Jayden didn’t like them. I laughed when the boys were standing there talking doing nothing and we were dancing. When a slow song came on a made Jayden dance with me. The three hours started to go by really fast. “Two more songs left grape your date and get on the dance floor” The principle smiled. I grabbed Jayden and dragged him on to the dance floor. Rose did the same to Max.

      “Please a The Silence Inside song” Jayden chanted softly. I figured there was a 1 out of 10% the next song would be his favorite band. To his disbelieve the next song was a “preppy kid song” as he likes to call them. Jayden growled reaching into his pocket and pulling out his iPod. I laughed when I heard the slight sound of the beginning of his favorite song by The Silence Inside. I rolled my eyes and me and rose started jumping to the song played by the DJ. 

      When the song ended everyone’s face dropped it seemed, because it was the last song. I knew it would be a slow song because it was over. I grabbed Jayden’s hand and walked away from Rose and Max. “What are you doing?” Jayden laughed.

      “I wanted you to myself” I smiled. When the song started I placed Jayden’s hands on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Jayden realizing what I wanted pulled me closer and placed his forehead on mine. We started spinning in a slow circle.

      “Are you having fun?” Jayden whispered. I nodded my head. I love being this close to Jayden. “I love you” he whispered. If he said it any quiet I wouldn’t have heard him.

      “I love you too” I whispered back. Jayden put his finger under my chin; he bent down to my level and attacked his lips to mine. He put his hands on the side of my face and tried to pull me closer but I didn’t think it was possible. When the song ended we broke apart. He kissed my forehead before taking my hand in his and walking out to his car.

      When I got in the car I took off my high heels. Maybe I should have taken them off like everyone else. I wanted to get out of this dress too but I knew I couldn’t randomly start stripping in his car. Jayden pulled into the drive way and turned off the car. “Where is everyone?” Jayden asked.

      “I don’t know. It’s weird for them to be out this late” I didn’t know if I should be worried or not. When I opened my phone I realized it was dead. Then I remembered they went to my Uncle John’s house. It was a choice I had to make between Jr. Prom and Reagan’s. Of course I picked Jr. Prom. “There with my Uncle John” I laughed feeling stupid I forgot.

      We got out of the car and walked into the house. “I am definitely getting changed out of this dress” I laughed.  

      “Yeah I want to get out of this suit” Jayden also laughed. I turned on the hall light and walked up to my room. I wanted to change into a pair of fuzzy pajamas so badly I nearly ran up the stairs. Jayden grabbed a pair of new boxers and a t-shirt and walked into the bathroom. I felt kind of stupid I couldn’t unzip the dress. Adria helped me earlier. I tried to do it myself with a hanger but I still couldn’t get it. Suddenly I felt the zipper start to unzip and it scared me. I knew there was only one person in the house so I calmed down. I felt him kiss my neck which caused a chill to crawl up my spine.

      I slipped out of the dress and pushed Jayden on the bed. He looked at my funny. “Just kiss me” I smiled.

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