Chapter 17

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"Are you sure it's cool if I go thebs?" I asked into the phone toying with the fly away strings on my shirt.

"Yeah if you're cool I'm sure Ty will be cool too. Besides its my party so I can invite whomever I please." He said seeming to get irritated by the minutes.

I had been asking if he was sure he wanted me attend at lest 20 times in the time we'd been on the phone.

"Okay okay I'll go should I bring anything?" I said while I scanned the aisle.

"A l c o h o l!" He spelled out yelling into the phone.

I laughed at his outburst of laughter after he spelled it.

"Alright fag see you at 10 right?" I picked up a bottle of henny. Jasper loves henny besides he's been keeping me company so I'll treat him.

"Yup bye loser!" He shouted.

"By dumbo lips!" I laughed. The line went dead and I proceeded to check out with a bottle of vodka and Jaspers bottle of henny. I don't drink but the guys do. Well except Tyler. Speaking of him I hope I can speak to him tonight. I've been feeling like shit honesty. I couldn't even argue with him when he dumped me last month. I've been doing good though. I got a condo in La close to where the guys live. Really close to Tyler's which I didn't expect but whatever. I rushed through checkout and walked to my car. I rushed through the streets Barely paying a attention to the street lights. I made it home and it was already 9 I ran upstairs through the gates and called into the condo. I left the bottles in the car so I wouldn't have to lug them up and down the stairs. I'm a lazy fucker lol.

I went into my room grabbing my knit dress that hugged my body just right. It was black and I grabbed my black heels too. I jumped into the shower making sure to wash my face and stuff and hoped out drying myself and brushing my teeth and brushing my hair into a pony tail. Which ended in the middle of my back. I put my dress on and shoes and fixed my eyebrows with my fingers. No makeup that shits so wack. I wasn't a dark skin chick I was kinda light I guess you could say. I had some freckles not a lot all over but some. I used to cover them up until Tyler told me they were cute. I got called crumb face back in school. Bitches and niggas was always hating. I sprayed some perfume and grabbed my old black low top vans and put them on throwing the heels back into my room. No need to get all fancy. I grabbed my hoodie and walked back out the door. Time for a party.

I reached Earls after a good twenty minutes. The house was live. People were everywhere drinking laughing smoking. Not really my scene but I could fuck with it for tonight. I searched around for Jasper and found him handing him the henny and a kiss on the cheek.

"That's for helping me out this month you the man J daddy!" I laughed hugging him.

"I know I know." He clowned.

I smiled and walked away to find something to drink. I didn't wanna get drunk. I grabbed a water out Thebe's fridge and closed it to see Tyler standing behind the door waiting for me to move.

"Oh uh excuse me I gotta get my girl something to drink." He said looking me up and down.

Girl? What girl? This nigga better be talking about a dog or some shit! I know he ain't get a new girl already.

I moved allowing him to grab some water and walking back to the backyard area he I guess came from. I took a sip and followed him lagging behind so he wouldn't ask me why I was following. I made it outside to see him hugged up on that hoe from the store. So he wants to play that game? Cool lets fucking play.

I snatched up the next guy the walked out the door and lucky for me he was a cutie. The guy looked me curiously.

"Do we know each other?" He asked scanning my body.

"No but I'm Mia." I greeted warmly. "And you are.." I continued trailing off waiting for him to insert his name.

"Victor. But you can just call me Vic ma." She stated smiling. He had crooked teeth but it fit him. He was a cutie.

The next hour consisted of us talking and getting all hugged up. Nothing too serious. Apparently Vic wasn't from here just visiting some family or something. As interesting as he was I would zone out and stare at Tyler and that chick. I couldn't remember her name for the life of me. She looked decent honestly. I decided I wouldn't talk shit on her appearance just because she was with my man. Scratch that her man now I guess. Tyler looked at me too when she wasn't paying attention. I brought my attention to Vic.

"So you wanna rap?" I asked.

"Yeah it's a hobby of mine. I think I'm good maybe I could show you some songs sometime?." He asked smiling a little.

"I'd like that." I said sipping my drink and smiling. "I'll be back." And with that I slipped into the house. I walked upstairs and into earls guest room. I entered the bathroom that was inside and looked at myself in the mirror. I heard the door open and then close and the floor boards creak. With seconds I was face to face with Tyler. I sighed and tried to walk past but he grabbed me walking me to the bedroom.

"Tyler let go!" I shouted getting irritated.

He sat me down and then took a seat himself a few inches from me facing me.

"Does he make you happy?" He inquired with a slight look on his face. Maybe sadness or something?

"Tyler does she make you happy?" I said turning the tables.

"Who Lola? We're just friends. She likes me I think. But I like you shit I might even love your crazy ass." He said staring into my eyes.

"You love me? So you ignore the people you love? And then turn around and be all hugged up with a girl that you know damn well would suck and fuck you in a heartbeat? Yeah okay T." I couldn't believe him.

I turned away and listened as she came on. Syd or Taco must be dj'ing. I snapped out of my thoughts when Tyler turned my face towards him by my chin and smashed his lips into mine. I missed this a lot. I kissed back but pulled away shortly after. I was losing oxygen. We kinda just stared at one another for a few minutes and I sighed.

"So what does this mean?" I asked hesitatingly I didn't wanna get rejected again.

The door opened and there stood Lola and a Vic behind her.

"There you are come on let's go!" She said grabbing his hand and dragging him out the room.

"You good?" Vic questioned.

"Yeah I'm fine I guess. I could use a drink though." I said sighing.

Vic grabbed my hand leading me downstairs. The party died down a bit and I watched as Lola was all hugged up on Tyler. She was trying to get his attention and when she saw me she smashed her lips into his. Tyler of course kissed back. Fucking jerk. I snatched my hand from Vic and apologized I ran to the door and ran to my car. I took a seat inside and my eyes started welling up. Fuck I haven't cried over a guy since high school. I heard a knock on my window and looked up to see Vic. I rolled the window down quickly.

"Oh god I'm so sorry for running out I jus-" he cut me off.

"It's cool I was just wondering if I could get your number." He scratched his neck nervously.

"Oh course!" I smiled.

I put my number into his phone and we said our goodbyes. Tyler wants to play with my emotions well I guess I'll just have to do it right back.

Quick update! School is starting this week so updates will be slow on all my books I'm trying to focus on this book in particular! Another update in the A.M maybe. Vote & comment! 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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