Chapter 8 Wheres tyler?

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Thanks for all the reads guys 💕


I've been waiting on tyler for a while now he never showed up its like 10 o'clock now. I guess something came up. I was laying down watching adventure time when someone knock on my door. I got up to answer it.

"Whos there?" I yelled.

"Its me Hodgy!" I heard him yell

I opened the door and he rushed in.

"Whats up with you Hodgy?" I asked

"TYLERS IN THE HOSPITAL! COME ON." he said I could hear the panic in his voice.

I grabbed my shoes and a jacket and ran out the door with Hodgy. He kept saying he didnt know what happend to him. I stared out the window as he drove to the hospital I guess this is why he never showed up.

"We're here." He said.

We both hopped out and ran to the front desk.

"WHAT ROOM IS TYLER OKONMA IN!" I yelled. I startled her as she lifted up her head. She looked through some papers and finally told us.

"Room 667." She said softly.

Me and Hodgy ran. We finally made it to his room on the 5th floor I was out of breathe. I thought it would be smart to run up flights of stairs instead I using the elevator.

We walked up to his room and saw the guys, they all looked sad.

" he okay?" I asked.

There was a long silence I was getting impatient and grabbed left.

He began to talk.

"Hes fine just isnt awake yet he had a bad asmtha attack and got stabbed by someone or something we dont know yet." He said

A wave of relief hit me.

But I was still sad. He wasnt awake and they didnt know when he would wake up.

I turned to walk into his room. As I entered a saw him there lying in bed. I could tell he was breathing but he wasn't awake.

I say there holding his hand and tears fell down my face.

(A week later)


My stomach and chest hurt like a bitch. All I remeber was staring at hallie and then getting stabbed. Fucking bitch.

I fell on the floor after trying to run I made it a few blocks but I started to not be able to breathe I tried to use my inhaler but it fell a few feet away from me. I hit the floor and everything became dark. Now im here. Lying in this uncomfortable hospital bed. I can hear everything but I cant really move much because of my stomach. I tried opening my eyes but it hurts too much. I guess im in a coma. Everyday since I've been here mia visits me she cries almost everytime. I've been here for a week now I think.

Mia walked into the room I can tell. She gives me a kiss on my cheek and I just stare at her. A smile appears over her face. As she sees me looking up at her. The guys walk In screaming they all hug me and crack jokes.

"The doc says you can leave today T." Hodgy says.

"Finally this bed is uncomfortable as fuck."I said laughing.


Tylers finally awake that was the longest week of my life I swear. Im glad hes awake. It just sucks. Him and the guys leave for theyre tour next week. I guess im gonna lose him again.

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