Chapter 1

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"Take 2 !!!"

Music plays

Bitches think I'm crazy but I'm normal
I just come off as a psycho maniac when I'm performing
That's an act so I won't bore you to death,
Cause I adore you... and it's the summer so...

Can you meet me by the lake
At the park, or in your room?

You can bring your bitches, I'm a bring my niggas
You can practice liking I, I'm a practice that guitar, baby
It's summer camp Golf Wang where the talking trees are
You and girls can roll if yo-
"CUT!!!" yelled Clancy
That was great tyler but its getting late you and the guys should get going we can finish friday, Clancy said.
Yea that's fine Clancy I replied.
Jasper, Frank, Taco lets go faggots! I yelled

Stop fucking yelling nigga !jasper yelled

Shut up fag! I said jokingly


Ay Tyler! Do u remember mia?..Earls bomb ass cousin from San Francisco... I asked
Yea what about her ? Tyler replied

Nothing. I smiled
I knew tyler liked her.

He was mad shy whenever she was around, earl went to go pick her up for a few weeks I cant wait to see Ty's face!

Man when jasper said "Mia" i imediatlly got butterflies fuck. I sound SUS as fuck. But I had to admit she was beyond beautiful and whenever she was around I was so nervous id fuck things up.

Taco and jasper intrrupted my thought.

"Me too" shouted Taco



Where did I leave that fucking address! Im supposed to be picking up mia fuck.

Hey Earl? Is that you... Its me mia!

I turned to see mia standing at my car door with a big ass dog. Black people and dogs I fucking swear.


I noticed Earl sitting in his car i figgured he probably got lost looking for my house.

We talked for a bit and then I ran inside to get my bags I cant wait to go back to L. A. Im super excited to see the guys especially Tyler! I wonder if he even thinks of me now... Haha probably not.

Sorry if this sucks
IM new to this whole fanfic shit soo hahaha yea
Votes and comments appreciated and im gonna have occasional spelling errors im on a mobile
Thanks anyway
My insta @oddmiyori

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