Chapter 13

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Mia's pov

Tyler's been dodging me. We broke up last night. It broke my heart even though I know its only till he's off tour. To get my mind off him I've been decorating my new place. Its coming out hella nice! but there's still pictures of us everywhere I think I'll take them down. Just till my baby comes back.

Earls pov

I let Olivia in. She must've been tired cause after about 30 minutes she crashed.

I woke up to no Olivia. I shrugged assuming shed gone home. I wasn't feeling all that great so I laid down. I received a text at like 7.

"Mia 😈: me and tyler broke up just wanted to let you know but im fine okay."

I jumped up and ran to Tyler's room across the hall and opened the door with the spare key he left in my room incase he has an asmatha emergency.

He jumped up and looked at me weird.

"Whatcha want fag?"

He asked calmly.

"What happened with u and Mia?" I asked.

"I broke up with her." He mumbled hella low. I was getting irritated and raised my voice.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I yelled at tyler.

"I broke up with her calm down." He mumbled. It took all the strength I had not to hit his big eared ass.

"You broke up with her! Why tyler?" I yelled. By now I was hot. How could he do Mia of all people like this.

"You know what don't even explain. She said shes fine. So just don't even bother." I said. I walked out the room and down the hall to the elevator. I stepped inside and looked down. Fuck I forgot I was wearing a shirt and swim trunks. I hit the pool floor. The doors opened. I glanced around and stepped out. It was empty. I walked over to the jacuzzi and sat inside. After a little while I heard the elevator buzz letting me know that it was letting another person off. I put in my headphones and closed my eyes. I felt the water shift an opened my eyes slightly. I looked over to see Olivia. She smiled her lips starting moving. I removed my headphones pausing Hodgy and lefts song real bitch on tacos part. Song always makes me laugh. I said hi and she said it in return.

"So what you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh well im actually staying here till my new place is ready haha im moving to cali pretty soon." She said. I started smiling Immediately shes moving to cali maybe we can hang out more. Shes chill Im not sus though no ones got time to be cuffing bitches at this moment. Gotta see how they are first how they carry them self. See If they're even the one for me.

"Oh thats cool maybe we can hang once you move." I said smiling. She smiled and nodded her head. After a while we had gotten into the pool we were splashing and she was trying to drown me. Threw her ass and hopped out we both laughed and headed for the elevator trying to dry off. I was about to hit my floor when she hit hers. 6. I looked at her.

"Stalking me ahah thats my floor." I said. She giggled.

"Nah this is my floor you stalking me?" I laughed.

We reached our floor and I walked her to her room which wasnt that far from mine.

"Well I guess I'll see you tommorw then huh?" I said nervously.

"Yeah i'd like that. Goodnight thebe." She said.

"Night Olivia."

I walked back to my room. I heard noises coming from Tyler's room. He better not be doing what I think he's doing. I was walking over to his food before I got a text. Fuck I forgot I gave Olivia my number.

" oh yeah I almost forgot. Would you maybe wanna go hang out Tommorw I could show you around." It read.

The whole tyler thing had pissed me off. But hanging with Olivia made my night better. I replied to the text and let myself into my room collapsing on my bed and knocking out.


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