Chapter 1

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"That's bullshit." I whine.

"No it's not!" My brother, Feli laughs over the phone. "If you try to make friends with him, I'm sure you'll get better vibes from him!"

"Feli," I deadpan. "Tell that to me when you're university roommate is the most chirpy little bastard in the world."

"Too bad I can't! My roomie is super stoic, but he is kinda hot-"

"Feliciano Vargas, I swear to god, if you dare date your roommate you might just be the tackiest little shit in the world."

"Fratello~" Feli began. "Luddy isn't tacky or anything, he's really cold but the other day I saw him smile because of some cute dogs, so I think he has a soft side- oh, but Lovi, wouldn't it be cute if he was just thinking about his dogs-he has dogs by the way- oh and also-"

Sighing, I put Feli on speaker, laying the phone on my desk and casually going "mhm" to Feli's rambling. There was no point in interrupting him, and if I hung up on him he'd just get sad...

Suddenly,  a draft of cold air flew through the room as the door opened and Toni walked in, hands in pockets and goofy grin on face.

"Fratello, you've gone quiet?" Feli's voice came from my phone, so I quickly replied with "Call you back." and hung up.

"Well bastard, what are you doing? Close the fucking door, dumbass, it's freezing as shit in that corridor!" I snapped, then realizing what I'd said I clamped my hand over my mouth. "Shit, sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude..."

"Eh, don't worry about it! Oh, the door." He said, closing the door behind him as he threw his bag on his bed and sat down. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, you?" I mumbled, trying to 'make friends' as Feli had suggested.

"I'm great, thanks!" He grinned. "I had a really boring lecture but Gil's in my class, so it's not so bad!"

"Gil's the silver-haired guy, right?" I questioned, remembering the boisterous albino that was in my performing arts.

"The one and only." Toni laughed. His laugh was hearty, filled with warmth, and everytime he laughed my mood improved- that's the sort of guy Toni was.

Clicking my tongue, I spun my pen in my hand, eventually giving up on the notes I was trying to decipher. A few days back, I had missed Philosophy and had to borrow notes from the kid that sat next to me. Too bad that kid was Alfred F Jones, the shittiest person for notes in the world. His whole book and binder was covered in badly drawn doodles and little scribbles, and his handwriting was something else.

As I came back to reality, I realized my pen had made it's way to my top lip, where I was desperately trying to balance it. Looking over at Toni, I realized he was peering over the top of a book at me. I caught the pen as it fell.

"What are you looking at, bastard?" I mumbled.

Toni laughed. "Nothing, you just went all quiet and started staring into space- I realized you tend to do that thing with your pen."

"Tch- are you watching my every move now, bastard?" I replied.

"Obviously! You are sooo captivating!" Toni remarked sarcastically.

"Shut up, idiot." I stuttered. This fucker- "Hey, I'm gonna grab coffee, do you want anything?"I asked, swinging my legs off the chair and grabbing my bag

Toni looked up, thought for a moment, then laughed. "Sure, can you grab me a cappuccino, with a shot of cinnamon? Oh, here-" he began to dig around in his pocket for money.

"Hey, no." I smiled a rare smile. "I'll pay."

"Oh! Fine, but remind me to pay you back."

"I'll try not to!" I cheered, closing the door behind me and putting in my headphones

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