Chapter 3

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Suddenly, the sound of music filled the room as Feli called me. Sighing, I stared at the phone with apathy and looked at Toni pleadingly

"What, you want me to answer for you?" He laughed. I nodded abysmally.

Sighing, Toni picked up the phone and answered- Feli's voice rang through the line.

"Lovi~" Feli whined. "Are you okay? You hung up on me- are you getting murdered or something? Oooh, am I talking to a murderer? Oh no    Lovi! Lovi shout if you can hear me!".Toni just stared at me with a mixture of confusion and amusement.

"Uhhh..." Toni began steadily. "I'm not a murderer?" Toni said, with a hint of confusion. "I'm Toni. Hi."

"Ooooo! I know you! You're Lovi's roommate. No offense but he described you as a 'chirpy little bastard' and I wanted to apologise on his behalf.".

"Oh?" Toni smirked at me. "I'm answering because Lovi's not here, by the way."

"Oh? Is he not? Where'd he go?"

"He, uh, went to get coffee."

"Oh, okay. Tell him to call me when he gets back, okay? I need to tell him something important. Okay, bye, Toni! Take care of Lovi for me okay? He can get really crazy sometimes!" And with that he hung up.

"What does he mean by crazy?"

"Uh-Dunn-know." I mumbled into my pillow. I felt my face flush red- was blushing? "Shuddup.".

"Alright, alright. I'll shut my 'chirpy little' mouth, Lovi."

I practically growled. Quickly, I brought my head up from the pillow and cursed. Remembering the blush, I turned my head to the side and pushed my hair in my face. "Vaffanculo, cazzo idiota!" I spat angrily.

"What did you just say to me, little Italian?".Dammit, he sounded good. Like, really good.

"I told you to fuck off, bastard. Stop teasing me and stop acting like you know me! Stop trying to flirt with me, and shut up about what I say."

"Who said I was flirting?" The Spaniard replied, innocence entwined in his voice.

"Toni, don't lie to me." I said sarcastically. "There's a difference between teasing and flirting."

"Ah, but teasing is part of flirting. Anyways, you seem to be enjoying it, what's the harm?"

"Tch- who said I was enjoying it? And don't you have a girlfriend, I saw you with her the other day."

"Uhhh..." Toni was at a loss. "Who?"

I scowled, then put on a straight face. "That girl with the short-ish hair, always wearing a red ribbon? She sits next to you in Philosophy."

Toni's face split into a smile. "Oh! Emma? No way, you thought she was my girlfriend? She's more like a sister to me!" Toni laughed loudly. "And it bothers you, that I have a 'girlfriend'?"

I felt my face flush again as my jaw dropped. "No! I was just being thoughtful and saving your relationship-"

"That I don't have?"

"Why are you such an asshole? Are you even gay?"

Toni's eyes began to twinkle, and he looked at me with a smirk. I waited for my answer, I needed to know. And that bastard just tapped the side of his nose!

"Who knows?" He said, offhandedly.

"Wha-? THAT'S my answer? Who knows?"

"Would you prefer it to be yes?"

"I-! I would prefer it to be something solid!"

"Solid how? Because a wall is solid. What if I said 'a wall', would that work for you?"

I sighed exasperated. "Look, what I need you to do right now is shut your Spanish fucking gob, face the other fucking way, and let me try to fucking decipher these fucking piece of shit fucking notes and GOD FORBID if I do make anything out of this fucking Satan spawn asswipe handwriting, let me please fucking copy that shit up without something going fucking wrong!" I was practically screaming by the end.

Toni looked at me cautiously. Shit, now he thought I was insane. Slowly, he made his way over to me and sat on my bed.

"Sit up, back facing me."

"Why?" I questioned, but I did what he said anyways.

Suddenly, Toni began gently pulling at my muscles, massaging the knots away.

"You're really tense, loosen up for me." Toni laughed.

"How am I meant to not be tense when one minute I'm shouting at you and the next you're giving me a massage?" I sighed sarcastically. Nonetheless, I relaxed myself as Toni worked my shoulders and back.

After a while, Toni ruffled my hair as I turned to him. To be honest, I felt amazing, my whole body had loosened up. I couldn't help but smile a little.

"Better?" Toni laughed.

"Yeah." I smiled. "Uh, um, thank you?"

"I'm not even going to ask why that sounded like a question." The Spaniard replied, walking over to the desk and began to put everything in order.

Humming as he cleaned, the bastard cleaned and ordered the whole desk, putting notes neatly into piles rather than being spread across the whole desk  he tidied up the stationary that had been cast aside, then sat down and pulled up a chair for me.

"Come here, Lovi, we'll work through this together, yeah?"

I begrudgingly pulled myself up from the bed and sat down next to Toni. "Don't call me Lovi." I mumbled, but I didn't have enough strength to fight back much.

"Why not? Your brother calls you Lovi."

"He's my brother, idiot. You're my friend, there's a difference."

"Oh, have you finally admitted that we're friends?"

"Sure, why not. You're nice enough."

Toni laughed proudly. "That massage did wonders for you, grumpy pants. Anyways, what should I call you?"

I shrugged. "Call me Lovino."

"Okay. Lovino. Let's get to work on these notes."

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