Chapter 5

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Bleary eyed and not even awake, I felt a firm hand on my shoulder, shaking me. The hand was warm, so I figured it was Grandpa Rome, as he'd always wake me like this. However, it was a completely different story when I opened my eyes begrudgingly.

"Not now, Nonno Rome." I murmured, swatting away the hand. Again it shook me, so I held onto it and whispered.

"Shhh, it's Saturday. No school today."

Then I realized the sound of stifled laughter. "Oh no. It's Toni isn't it." I groaned.

"Yeah. Yeah, it is." Toni said through fits of giggles. "And are you going to let go of my hand?"

"What time is it?" I moaned, using Toni's hand to pull myself up.

"One in the afternoon." Toni laughed. "I think it's safe to say that you slept in."

"Oh shit..." I groaned. "I really did, huh?"

"Yup!" the Spaniard cheered. "And also, I don't know if you get touchy feely in the morning, but you are adamant about my hand."

Looking down at my hand, I see it entwined with his. I feel my face begin to heat up and I know I'm blushing, but I couldn't will my hand to move. Toni stared at me quizzically as I blankly gazed at our hands, and eventually I brought my hand away. The bastard Spaniard began to open his mouth, to which he stopped when I glared at him.

"I'm dead inside right now, you tomato bastard, teasing me will only make me snap and kill a man." I deadpanned.


"Lovino ".I corrected.

"But you said last night that-"

"Ah." I started. "It appears that you've misunderstood. That was last night, and this is this morning. There is a difference."

"Oh. And here I was going to treat you to something." Toni moped.

"Wipe that fucking pout of your face, it doesn't work on me, bastard." I shot. "What could you give to me that I'd want, anyway?"

Toni grinned, and pulled a tomato from behind his back. "Heard you liked these?"

Confused as to who would tell him that, I stared at the delicious tomato. It did look really good...

"OMG!" I screamed as loud as I could, frantically pointing behind Toni's hand. Doing a degree in Performing Arts was really helping me right now. Toni's head whipped around as his eyes widened, obviously convinced by my performance. Quickly, I grasped the tomato and snatched it from Toni's hand, grinning as I took a bite.

As soon as he realized what had happened, the Spaniard immediately began to whine about it, but all I could do was eat the tomato triumphantly with a smirk on my face.

"Lovi! That was meant to be a treat!" he whined.

"So was Rose's trip on the Titanic and we all see how that went" I said ironically.

"You told me you hadn't seen that movie..." Toni muttered.

"Doesn't necessarily mean that I can't make a joke about it." I laughed. "Oh, come on. You're not actually sad, are you?"

Toni pouted miserably.

Sighing, I held out the tomato and shoved it into his mouth, blushing.

"There, bastard. We can share it." I mumbled  scratching my cheek with one finger, a habit of mine. Sighing softly and stretching, I left Toni to eat the rest of the tomato and picked up my phone. Feli had told me to call him back yesterday...

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