Chapter 10

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The next day was boring as hell, and the next day, and the next day. I hadn't done an awful lot. I had worked, and then when I wasn't working I was browsing the internet.

About halfway through the week, I was on my laptop when I got a notification from facebook. It said, 'Francis Bonnefoy is now in a relationship'. I immediately picked up my phone and texted him.

L: who is it

Frog: Guess.

L: Matt?

Frog: Correct! Ten points to Gryfindor!

L: excuse you princess, im a slytherin.

Frog: I'm totally Gryfindor!

L: oh shut up frog you are a hufflepuff

Frog: Ew! Mon ami, yellow is so not my colour.

L: shut up and tell me bout Mattie

Frog: Only if you start texting properly.

L: Fine. Ooh, look. Capital letters and punctuation! Happy? Now tell me about the Canadian.

The conversation continued like so, until I had squeezed all the juicy gossip out him, eventually. I went on Twitter after getting Francis and Mattie's permission to announce it..

"@FrenchFriesAreFromBelgium and @I'mNotAmerican are now sweethearts! #Adorable' is what I put. Because I'm student trash and social media is my life. Sooner or later, Gil replied to my tweet.

@PrussiaExists: Really? Dude, he won't answer my texts.

Then Toni joined in.

@TomaTomaTomato: @PrussiaExists Ikr? Like srsly @FrenchFriesAreFromBelgium I kno ur probs making out rn but at least talk to me.

Then others joined in.

@I'mNotAmerican: We're not making out.

@The._.Hero: dude really that's awesome bro go get some

@I'mNotAmerican: Alfred, at least I have decency. I heard in Philosophy, by the way.

@The._.Hero: shhh fuck you

@AwkwardBritshPunk; I hate all of you. Can we not talk about me?

@FrenchFriesAreFromBelgium: So cynical, Arthur.

@AwkwardBritshPunk: Piss off, Frog! Go mess around with your boyfriend and not me.

@The._.Hero: ur so cute wen ur angry @AwkwardBritishPunk

@AwkwardBritishPunk: You're so cute when you use proper GRAMMAR.

@PastaVargas: Hey @TomatoVargas check your phone fratello

@TomatoVargas: Stop texting me pepes fratello

@PastaVargas: I came out to have a good time and I'm honesty feeling so attacked right now fratello

@The._.Hero: dude are you lovis bro ur like so cute and precious i think i love you

@GermanBlondie: Haha back off :P

@TomatoVargas: @PastaVargas @GermanBlondie WHAT

@PastaVargas: Haha bye everyone gotta go before I'm castrated

@GermanBlondie: @TomatoVargas please don't kill me in my sleep bye

@FrenchFriesAreFromBelgium: honhonhon

@BeethovenVSMozart:.And people wonder why I don't use social media.


@BeethovenVSMozart: No, I'm studying.

@PrudsiaExists: What's more important than me :(

@GermanBlondie: @PrussiaExists A lot of things

@PrussiaExists: @GermanBlondie y must you wound me

At this point I slowly drifted away from the laptop and texted Toni,

L:'That's becoming a text post on Tumblr'

TomatoBastard: XD. I'm in Starbucks, just leaving. You want anything.

L: The usual please :p

TomatoBastard: Kay. C u soon x

Soon wasn't soon enough. I rolled around on my bed for what seemed like hours, when it was only fifteen minutes. However, when Toni came back through the door, I grabbed my coffee and kissed him.

"Woah, easy there amigo."

I giggled, then grabbed Toni's hand and pulled him onto my bed, grabbing my laptop in the process.

"I'm feeling lovey-dovey so cone watch Disney with me?" I pleaded, opening up Netflix.

"Well, the next time you're feeling this way will probably be in years do I'm not gonna pass this one up." Toni laughed.

We spent the afternoon lounging around and watching Netflix. It got to the point where we had stopped with the Disney and had moved RuPaul's.

"JuJuBee is so hot. I would." I said nonchalantly.

"Yeah, but you're hotter." Toni replied.

"Yeah..." I agreed absant mindedly, before I realized what he had just said. "Wait."

"Please don't kill me."

"Uh, no, it's fine. I just wasn't expecting that."

"It is true, though. You're really hot."

"Wow. Literally no one has ever said that to me."

"Then literally no one has eyes, Lovino."

I blushed and covered my face. "Shut up bastard. Stop flirting with me because it's working."

"You know, I am so glad I met you." The Spaniard smirked.

"Oh please no." I hid behind a pillow to hide my smile.

"I'm not joking, Lovi. You're my little Italian cutie." He laughed.

"One more word and you're head is on a spike." I giggled. Yes, giggled.

"But, Lovino, all I was-"



"Shut up.'


"Shhhh." I smiled softly the pecked him on the cheek.

"Wow. You ARE lovey-dovey." Antonio smirked, eyebrows raised.

"No. No more words." I said.

"Why not? Besides, I like to talk." Toni laughed.

"I can tell." I mumbled softly, twirling a lock of his brunette hair between my fingers. I smiled distantly, then rested my head in the crook of his neck. I felt him put his arm around me, pulling me closer, so I kicked off my shoes and pulled my legs up onto the bed, curling up and snuggling into his side. The last thing I heard was him chuckling, and running his hand through my hair.

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