Chapter 2

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Eventually, I made my way back to the dorm, cappuccino and frappuchino in hand. Shuffling, I opened the door awkwardly with my side.

"Careful." Toni smiled, getting up to help me.

"Thanks." I said. "Apparently my mad elbow to door skills are not working today." I handed him his cappuccino  and flopped onto my bed.

"Toni?" I called. "What's your full name? You've only ever introduced yourself as Toni."

Toni stared at me quizzically. "Didn't you read the sheet? The one that has all the dorm info on it?"

"Well yeah, bastard. Of course I did, it told you the dorm number and shit." I paused. "I just didn't read all the roomie crap because I didn't give a shit."

"Past tense." Toni smiled


"You said you didn't care, rather than don't. Does that mean you care now?" Toni teased, laughing.

"Oh, get over yourself, bastard! And anyway, tell me your name."

Still giggling, Toni waved a dismissive hand. "My full name is Antonio Fernandez Carreido. It's pretty long, and there's a few other unofficial names in there, but hey, I am Spanish after all!"

I laughed. "Did you read the roomie crap?"

"Why wouldn't I?" he laughed. "Mr. Lovino Romano Vargas."

"Eww, did they address me as Mr? Now I feel like an old man." I grumbled.

"I can assure you that you are anything but an old man. You look rather young, actually!"

"Well I can assure you that you're one hell of a melodramatic bastard." I groaned.

"And you love it." Toni winked. "Why Romano, by the way?. I thought that was a type of parmesan or something."

"You have NO idea how much I'm inwardly face-palming right now. Romano was the name for South Italy, when the country was split in two."

"Oh! I get it!" Toni giggled.

"Don't know why you're so fucking proud, it's not a hard concept. Anyway, I hate having the name Romano, because Feli gets Veneziano. That's North Italy, by the way." I drawled.

"Why is that bad?"

"Because, bastard, it means that he's the North, i.e, the higher, i.e, the better!"

"Sooo, it's because you think he's better than you?"

"Yeah! And the shitty thing is that he probably is, but I can never hate the little shit because he's so cute and precious."

"Easy there, amigo! Don't get too fired up or you'll end up in a ditch!"


"It's an idiom?" Toni stated, but it sounded more like a question.

I sighed shakily, trying to mask a giggle  "Yeah, yeah. Sure it is, bastard." I couldn't keep the sarcasm from my voice.

Toni snorted. "And to think an hour ago you were apologising for being rude! Look at you now!" He laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up, bastard." I laughed, taking a big sip of my coffee.



"Why does it say 'Tony' on these?"

"Oh, yeah, that. They always mess up 'Lovino' or ask me to spell it and I'm too lazy for that shit, so I just use the first simple name that comes to mind. Today it was Toni, apparently.Well, it didn't go perfectly but hey, saved me five seconds of my life so I say profit."

"Awww, cute, you were thinking of me!" Toni teased.

I just stared at him with the hatred practically visible.

"Calm down, tiger!"

"Another 'idiom', Toni?"

"Somehow I feel like you don't like me right now." Toni giggled nervously.

"Ya think?" I said sarcastically. "Nah, I can't stay mad at you, you're too much of an innocent cinnamon bun."

Toni snickered. "I'm not that innocent, you know? If I wanted to I could curse and have sex and go drinking, but I don't want to."

"Jesus Christ, could you be MORE melodramatic, please?" I laughed sarcastically.

"Probably." Toni laughed.

"Hit me." I challenged. Let's see what this fucker can do.

Clearing his throat, Toni took a deep breath. I'm not sure if he was being sarcastic or not, but the way his eyes began to twinkle captivated me.

"Once, when I was but a child, I looked at the world as if it were something to be torn apart. Something to be scavenged, to be broken. As the days passed on summer breezes and winter snowfalls, I had a revelation. The world was not to be torn apart, it was to be treated as a human being itself, like one of us. It was through this captivating revelation that I realized the world held love. I thought to myself, 'I will fall in love but once', but alas, that is a story for another time."

"Oh.".I gasped. That was pretty, not that he would know. "Jesus Christ, now I know why you take Philosophy.".I sucked the last of my coffee out of the cup and threw it in the bin.

"Well, I don't know why you take it, if you hated that." Toni shot back.

"Tongue of a snake. Which is an idiom, again.".I mumbled

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