Chapter 6

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I swallowed nervously, twisting my hands together and playing with my hair, curling it around my finger. Needless to say, I was not good with horror. I got scared easily, and even though in the darkness no one would see it, I didn't want to give Toni the triumph of me grabbing on to him.

It was about half way through the movie when a moment of suspense happened. The music and noises grew increasingly more loud, and in my terror I grasped onto the arm of the seat- I felt something brush against my hand. I immediately knew it was Toni's hand, through the electrical energy that surged up my arm. Blushing slightly, I looked away, grasping Toni's hand, partly from fear, and partly because I wanted to. Wait- what am I saying? It's not like I wanted to... It just felt nice. Slowly, we entwined our fingers softly, and I started to feel less scared. That is, until the suspense broke with a jumpscare. I squealed loudly, and probably crushed the Spaniard's hand, but if I had, he didn't want me to know about it, because he just began to trace patterns on my palm. It calmed me down.

When the movie ended and we made our way out of the building, I didn't even realize that I was still firmly holding Toni's hand. To be honest, I only realized when we all climbed into Francis' car and started to drive to a cafe where we were gonna get something to eat.

Suddenly, I became very aware of the presence in my hand, but I felt... happy. Giving in to my inhibitions, I squeezed the warm hand, a faint smile on my face, tinged cheeks hidden behind my hair that I had tactically pushed in front of my eyes. Grinning goofily, Toni squeezed back, and giggled.

If I had wanted to hide my face with my hair, it certainly wasn't going to work now, because Toni used his free hand to tuck the dark locks behind my ear, revealing my darkened cheeks.

I heard a loud laugh from Gil, who had called shotgun, as he looked back on us all.

"Wasn't that movie totally NOT scary?!" He proclaimed.

Roderich laughed lovingly- it was the first time I'd actually seen him laugh like that. Sarcastically, he said "Yeah, not scary at all, says the person who clung on to me through the whole thing."

We all laughed at Gil, who was rather flustered. "I did not!" he pouted.

Francis, who was driving, piped up from the front of the car. "Well, at least you lot had someone to hold onto! I was terrified and only had my popcorn to hug."

We all laughed again.

Roderich glanced over at me and Toni having our own little conversation, and I was worried that he would announce it to the whole car, but he simply smiled and winked. I raised an eyebrow, then smiled back. I liked this guy.

"Why didn't you bring a date, amigo?" Toni laughed. "You could have anyone in this world."

Francis laughed. "You flatter me, mon ami! The thing is, the man I was chasing was after another. Sadly, they started dating recently, but I have learnt to be happy for them. They make an adorable couple."

"Awww, that's so sad!" I said sympatheticly. "Who was it?"

"Do you really want to know?" Francis inquired.

"Ummm, duh?" I replied. "I don't know, imagine it like girl talk."

"And here I thought I was the king of gossip, but apparently there's a new challenger!" the Frenchmen laughed. "It was Arthur Kirkland, by the way."

"No!" I gasped. Wow, I was getting into this. "You didn't strike me as the type of guy to be into punks."

"Ah, well, neither did Alfred F Jones seem to be into punks either, but apparently that's a thing now."

"What? They're dating? They're complete opposites!" I questioned. "Are you bitter?"

"Opposites attract, friend. But no, I am not bitter. I know that not everyone can get what they want. Besides, there is another."

I gasped again. "Ooh, ooh! Who? Who is it?" I was starting to sound dangerously like my brother.

"Ah, if I were to say... I don't think it wise."

"Why?" Everyone questioned.

"It is an ex... of someone in this car."

Silence fell, everyone thinking to who it could be. Meanwhile, I sat there staring at everyone's bewildered faces, laughing internally. After all, I'd only met most of these guys today.

"I'm doubtful it's Tim..." Antonio muttered under his breath. I wondered if that was someone Toni had dated... and if so, who was he? I then realized that I was being a little over the top.

"Oh my God." Came a voice from none other than the white haired albino. "Oh my God."

Francis sighed, obviously worried that Gil had figured it out.

"It's him, isn't it." Gil said.

By this point, I was getting so into the discussion. I may not look like it, but I'm actually a big fan of gossip, and it was like my own private reality show right in front of me.

"It's Mattie." Toni deadpanned. This was obviously a serious matter. Maybe Gil still liked this guy?

"Do you hate me?" the Frenchman sighed.

There was silence, then an obnoxious and boisterous laugh.

"How could I hate you, Francy pants? Besides, I've moved on to better things." Gil gave Rod a wink, and Rod smiled fondly. "Take a gander at Matthew, just take care of him, man. He's delicate."

"You are merciful, Gil. Thanks for not, I don't know, rampaging?"

We all laughed loudly.

By the end of the day, I was shattered. We had gone out for lunch, then gone shopping together. I felt slightly embarrassed about holding Toni's hand through most of the day, but in the end I sort of accepted it, and so did everyone else. Needless to say, I bought A LOT. Whenever I went anywhere, I'd bring my card in case I needed anything, and I always needed something or other. Everything laughed along because you could tell our personalities by what we bought and how much we bought. I was proud to say I bought the most, and also sort of embarrassed. I needed new clothes, anyway.

I definitely bonded with everyone over the trip in different ways. Me and Francis found common ground through fashion and clothing, and resorted to calling the rest of the group 'peasants' jokingly. Me and Roderich both poured over music, and though I did like modern music, I also adored classical. We had a very interesting conversation about Beethoven and Mozart while the others yawned sarcastically. Rod quite humorously said, "Who's the peasant now?" at some point.

Finally, Gil and I found a shared interest in games. We discussed the new shooter game that had recently come out, to which I said it was trash like all other shooters and Gil said it was art. I also complained about Splatoon, well, more the viral video that came with it than the actual game. This was an obvious mistake, as everyone therefore sung 'you're a kid you're a squid' at me for the next minute.

In the end, I was exhausted, and I was quite happy to say goodbye as we all went to our separate buildings. Myself and Toni walked to our corridor, where we dumped our bags. Slowly, I turned to him, head hung and blushing. "About today..." I stuttered.

"Aww, please don't go back on it all now." Came the reply.

"I... I'm starting to like you, Antonio Fernandez Carreido." I muttered, looking down. It was hard to admit it, but I actually liked Toni- nothing more, though!

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