Chapter 10

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Storm prov
"Moonlight Night attack"Lucas shouted launching forward my claws connected with Derek's fur.Growling I slashed my claws across his face.Derek looked at my eyes hardened with rage and leaped.

Pinning me to the ground and slashed his claws across my chest.Howling in pain Derek lashed his claws across my stomach drawing more blood.Howling in pain Black spots entered my vision.Then Derek snarled slashing is claw over my throat darkness took me.

Landon prov

Have you every felt as if your heart was on fire and it was burning to pieces and you could do nothing about it.
That's how I Alpha Blake Parker felt
I felt as if I had been stabbed 100 time over and over in my heart.My skin burned with pure agony and I wanted to make it stop.

The pain grew as my mate became weak and weaker and only knowing that she will die make the pain unbearable.I felt as if my heart shatter to millions of pieces.

It starts with a excruciating pain flooding your body then you double over in pain unable to hold yourself up or stand.
The only thing on you mind is your mate and what is happening to her.
Your heart starts to warm up and soon it feels as if it burning your heart and skin.

Your skin feels tight as if something was pulling very hard and would not stop.Your breath is ragged as you try and breath and the only thing you want more to stop the pain is death.

As you look down at your mate you know she's during and you can feel her very life slipping away from you.
You letting out a heart wrenching cry to your mate and then it stops the pain subsides and it over.

You glance at your mate.She is no longer moving she is as still as stone.You wish that she would get up like nothing happened and it was just a bad dream but I wasn't.

I watched my mate die right before my eyes beneath we her own brother Derek turned dark by hatred.Howling my pain into the sky I rushed over to my mates dead body.Whimpering I saw Derek standing their blood all over is black fur.

Derek looked at me smirking in his wolf form.Drawing his lips back barring his white canines at me.
I didn't care if I died at all right now.then Derek leaped and Jayden crossed my mind.
Jayden he needs me growling I leaped Derek moved his head so I sunk my teeth in his neck.

That's when pain filled my throat and everything went dark.

Hey guys sorry this is a short chapter but I promise other chapters will be longer.

Alpha's Abused Mate book 2: Alpha's Children Where stories live. Discover now