Meeting the Tyler's

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It was a very long drive from the city. It took many back roads to get to the house. Maggie feel asleep during the car ride. The sound of the dirt roads were soothing to her. It's the only thing that she liked about the place. Miles and miles away from the nearest grocery store and only having two neighboors, Maggie and Sue had to use their resources wiseley and get used to the drives to the store. Maggie took her stuff and brought it in the house. The house was so plain and it had a very musty smell. Maggie wanted a room upstairs . So, she took the first step. Every step she took, the stairs would make an awfully loud creaking sound. Maggie looked around once she got to the top. There was her room, a bathroom, a spare room, and an attic. The attic freaked her out. It gave her a very bad feeling. Maggie came down the stairs and looked around. There's a bathroom, kitchen, two living rooms, a basement, and a patio with a screen at the back of the house. Looking into the forest. Maggie was about to look in the kitchen when Sue yelled to her. "HEY MAGGIE?". "YEAH?" said Maggie. "COME MEET THE NEIGHBORS." Maggie walked into the cold autumn weather to see her mom talking to a man and a woman. Maggie could see a boy nervously  hiding behind the lady. "Maggie I want you to met Mr and Mrs Tyler". Maggie went up and shook their hands. Sue then said " and who's the boy behind you?" with a bit of a chuckle. Mrs. Tyler said "this is David." Sue went out to shake his hand and he hesitated. It seems that he's a very nervous boy. "Sorry Mrs.Glae, it takes awhile for David to get used to new people". Sue then said " that's alright and it's Miss. I kept the last name though." "oh I'm sorry" said Mrs.tyler. "That's quite alright." While Mr and Mrs Tyler were chatting with Sue, Maggie went over to talk to David. He's a 10 years old too. "Hi" said Maggie. David then said " your mother doesn't know what shes done." "I'm sorry?" said Maggie. "We are hear because my mom wanted to be with my father." " But you haven't lived here for as long as I have" said David. " I've been seeing things for 3 years now and my parents just thought it was my "imaginary friends ". Things like- like shadows have came out of your house and out of the cemetery." " My mom told me not to believe in ghosts. You're just crazy" said Maggie. After there conversation with the Tyler's, Sue and Maggie went back inside and Sue started to prepare supper. " Hey, after dinner do you want to meet the other neighbors?" Maggie then said "Sure. As long if there not as weird as David."

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