Chapter Four: Fernando's Mate

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"No," Fernando whispered realising what had just happened, this was the last thing that he had ever wanted to happen; he stared at Gisela feeling sick and he wanted to forget this had ever happened. 

Gisela stared back at Fernando, she had no idea why he was looking at her like she had just murdered his mother or something; she felt a little uncomfortable with what was going on. 

"You can't be," Fernando whispered feeling dizzy, he hadn't thought that this was possible anymore and he knew that this was the last thing that he needed now. 

Fernando had always imagined that his female mate would be perfect for him, he had never considered that she might be a married woman or his new mistress; it had never seemed possible to him. 

"I can't be what?" Gisela asked confused, she brushed some hair from her face as she felt a headache forming; she rubbed her temple wanting it to go away, she didn't need this now. 

Gisela closed her eyes for a moment trying to will the headache away before she looked at Fernando who was staring at her with interest; she had no idea why he was looking at her like that when they didn't know one another. 

"I need Sese," Fernando whimpered knowing that his other mate would be able to handle this better than he was, he knew that they had been parted for years and he wished he knew where he was. 

Gisela opened her mouth to say something when she felt a wave of nausea wash over her, she suddenly felt like she was going to pass out; she blinked as she felt Fernando grab on to her arm. 

"Maybe you should lay down for a bit," Fernando murmured helping her to the bed, he settled her down knowing that it was the connection building between them. 

Gisela opened her mouth to ask him what was going on but she didn't get the chance before she felt herself being consumed by darkness as she passed out.


Gisela blinked slowly waking up her head didn't hurt too much anymore and she realised that it was now the middle of the night; she moved to sit up only to be stopped by an arm around her waist. 

"I wouldn't do that," Fernando mumbled staring up at the ceiling, he still couldn't believe that this had happened and he knew that this changed things; he hated that he was bound to someone like her. 

Gisela ignored his warning and pulled away from Fernando, she felt her stomach turn horribly making her close her eyes tightly; she felt like she was going to hurl, she closed her eyes trying to ease the urge the throw up. 

Fernando sighed sitting up and pressing himself up against Gisela's back, he hated this and he knew he would have to be careful what he told her; he could only imagine what was going to happen if he told her everything. 

"What's happening to me?" Gisela whimpered allowing Fernando to gently lay her back down, she knew that this wasn't right and she was sure that there was something going on. 

Fernando paused for a moment, he didn't want her running off and telling her husband about this; he knew his life wasn't going to be worth living if Carlos found out. 

"It's the bond settling in," Fernando revealed hating himself for doing this, he watched her closely; he knew that Sergio was going to be furious when he found out about this. 

Fernando didn't know what state the other werewolf was going to be in but he knew that Sergio had been in a bad state when he had last seen him; this couldn't end well and he knew it. 

"Bond?" Gisela breathed trying to shake off the sickness that she was feeling, she felt warm and she slowly removed her dressing gown in an attempt to cool off.

"It needs stabilising," Fernando muttered knowing what that meant, he was trying to keep from marking Gisela and he didn't want to bind himself to the woman that was now a big part of his life. 

Fernando opened his mouth to say something only to stop when his eyes flickered across the bruises that covered Gisela's shoulders; he blinked not quite believing what he was seeing. 

Gisela closed her eyes ignoring the look that Fernando was giving her, she was very aware that her shoulders and back where dotted with bruises; they were places that people couldn't see and Carlos liked to make sure that no one knew what he was doing to her. 

Fernando gently pulled up the back of Gisela's cami pyjama top, he stared at the marks that littered her back; some were brand new while others were slowly healing. 

"Carlos has a bit of a temper," Gisela remarked peeking back at Fernando, she watched as he gently ran a hand over her back making her flinch; she knew that her back was red and she doubted that she would be able to do much about that. 

"Then why did you marry him then?" Fernando asked pulling away from Gisela, he had never seen those types of marks on a human; they were usually reserved for the werewolf slaves. 

Gisela closed her eyes, she swallowed not wanting to get emotional when things were so strange; she shook her head knowing that it didn't matter what she told Fernando anyway. 

"The same reason you are here," Gisela whispered staring at the wall ahead, she didn't want Fernando feeling sorry for her when his life was probably so much worse than hers had ever been. 

Fernando scoffed thinking that Gisela meant that she had married Carlos for the money, he hoped her life was worth it now that Carlos seemed to be beating her. 

"Because I didn't have a choice," Gisela explained knowing that Fernando thought that she was some spoilt brat, she would have never have married Carlos if she'd had the choice.

Fernando was silent as Gisela's words sunk in, he had no idea what to say to her after her confession; he hadn't known that humans did that to one another, he had only known how bad they treated their slaves. 

Gisela swallowed feeling her eyes well with tears, she quickly wiped them away not sure why she was getting so emotional; she was just going to have to get used to it. 

"I'm sorry," Fernando murmured shaking his head, he pulled her top back into place and he hated that he had made her so upset; she had saved him from having to deal with Antonio again. 

Fernando could only imagine how much longer he would have survived if he had gone back with that man, he still felt dirty just thinking about what that man had done to him. 

Gisela shook her head, it wasn't his fault that her life was a nightmare; she was sort of glad that she had him now since she felt better being by his side. 

Fernando stared at the back of Gisela's head, he would wait and see if she could be trusted with the truth; he didn't want to reveal the full meaning of their connection only to have her use it against him. 

"Let's get some sleep," Fernando murmured wrapping an arm around Gisela, the bond was still developing between them and he doubted that it was going to be an easy bonding.

Gisela nodded her head, she allowed Fernando to settle them both again; she was too tired to ask him the questions that were buzzing around her head. 

Fernando held onto Gisela as they started to drift off, he wondered what was going on with Sergio and where he was; he hoped that he would find him before the rebellion began.

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