Chapter Twenty-Nine: Protection

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Staring down at the cheque that Iker had handed to him, Fernando swallowed knowing that this couldn't be good; he was just relieved that Iker had been the one to come to him about this. 

"It's a trap?" Fernando murmured knowing that there was no way that they would be able to walk away with this large amount of money; he almost wondered why Iker had brought this to him instead of just destroying it. 

The last thing that they needed was any trouble showing up at their door, Gisela was pregnant and finally things were going well for them; they had been through enough bad stuff to last them a life time. 

Iker shook his head, Fernando had every right to wary about all of this but he saw no harm in him having the money; it was rightfully Gisela's as Carlos's widow and they were going to need it with pups on the way. 

"It's a gift..." Iker replied but even he knew that there would be people always wondering where the money had gone; the last thing that anyone wanted was for it to be discovered that Gisela was alive. 

There was no way in hell that Fernando was going to risk Gisela's life for a second time; people wouldn't think twice about executing her for real this time. 

"It's rightfully hers Nando," Iker tried to reassure, he knew that things wouldn't have been easy since they had moved to Seville and they now had pups to think about; it was his small way of helping them out after what he had done. 

"But will it bring a mob to our door," Fernando snapped wanting to know what Iker wasn't telling him, there was no way in hell that he would take this cheque home with him if he didn't know what was going on. 

Fernando would rather starve than take the cheque home if it was going to bring trouble and he was going to do everything he could to protect his family. 

Iker sighed chewing on his lip, he knew that things weren't going to be easy but he wanted nothing more than to help in some way; he had cause them a lot of grief in the past.

"Iker... I can't accept this if people are going to come looking," Fernando whispered shaking his head, he couldn't lose Gisela and a mob wouldn't care if she was pregnant; they would take her head without a second thought. 

Fernando doubted that they would survive losing Gisela and the pups, everything had been going so well and he wasn't going to risk it now; he watched Iker knowing that there was something that wasn't being said. 

"No one is going to miss it," Iker insisted knowing that the money would just sit in an account if they didn't take it, it would be such a waste since there was so much of it and he was sure that the money would help them. 

There was always going to be trouble about but Iker was sure that it would be okay for them to have the money; it could only be released to Gisela since she had been married to Carlos. 

"Then donate it to charity or something... we don't want it," Fernando snarled not liking how much Iker was pushing this, it made him worry and he knew that there had to be a reason that he was pushing for him to take the money. 

Iker stared at him, he didn't want to fight with Fernando and he wished that he would just take the money; it would make things so much easier and if Fernando wouldn't take it then he would just speak with Sergio. 

It was quiet between the two men for a moment, they both knew that there was more to be said and Iker was hiding something; a fact that meant that he was losing Fernando's trust after everything that had happened. 

Fernando got to his feet and walked away, he had no intentions of falling into another trap for another reason.


Peeking around the small kitchen, Paqui couldn't bring herself to look at her son knowing why he had invited her inside; she couldn't escape the disappointment that filled her at his human mate. 

It had never crossed her mind that this might happen, her eldest two children had fully werewolf families and there was no way in hell that José María would react well when he found out about Gisela. 

Sergio watched her closely, he had sent Gisela upstairs to relax knowing that he didn't want her around Paqui until he knew what was going to happen; his father had a reputation and he had a feeling that his mother might feel the same way. 

"You're going to tell him," Sergio guessed knowing that the moment that José María knew about Gisela then there would be no going back; he despised humans and there was no way he would accept that Sergio had one for a mate. 

Paqui nodded her head, she had no idea what was going to happen when she told her husband about this; he would be angry and she had a feeling that this wasn't going to bring her family back together. 

Sergio clearly cared for the human, Paqui had seen how tender he had been with her when he had invited her into his home; he looked so in love and that hurt her more than anything else. 

It was only going to end in tears, she would lose her son when José María found out and Paqui knew that Mirian and René wouldn't be accepting of the fact that their brother was mated to a human. 

"I guess this will be it then," Sergio muttered angrily, he didn't know what was going to happen but he knew that there was going to be a fight on their hands; he wouldn't hesitate when it came to protecting his family. 

Paqui could only nod her head, she had only wanted to have her youngest son back in her life and now she had to walk away; she could never forget what the humans had done to her family and she had no idea why Sergio had one for a mate after everything.

"Why her?" Paqui asked softly, she couldn't imagine what the human did for her son and she knew how easily he could have rejected the mating without a second thought; she feared what people would think of him for keeping her. 

Sergio stared at his mother, he had no intentions of sharing Gisela's past with Paqui; he doubted that she would really care especially after what they had all been through. 

"I love her," Sergio insisted gently, he wanted nothing more than to protect everyone and he knew that things weren't going to be easy; he was going to have to reject the family that he had been born into to protect the one he had now. 

Paqui scoffed, there were plenty of single she-wolves about that would be perfect mates for Sergio and his beta; she didn't understand why he would put himself in a place where he would be judged for being with a human. 

"You might not see it... but Gisela is perfect for me, I don't care that she is a human," Sergio snapped not liking how his mother looked down on Gisela when she didn't even know how strong his mate was. 

Sergio remembered a time when he had been the same, it had been before Gisela had come into his life and changed the way that he looked at things; he still disliked humans but he had learnt not too judge them too much. 

Gisela was one of the best things in his life along with Fernando, they were his family and Sergio wasn't going to allow anyone to make him feel bad for that. 

They were going to have pups soon and Sergio was excited about that, he didn't care what Paqui or anyone thought; they were his and he would protect them no matter what. 

Paqui could only stare at the son that had been stolen from her, she would never get to be his family now. 

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